Chapter 4

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I woke up with a arm wrapped Around me then it hit me I cheated. I slapped Harry arm and I heard him groan" You little ass your not staying here get out " I said and his eyes shot open " Isa I didn't mean to really I didn't i tried to but you were so drunk you -" he ranted but i cut him off

" i know Ross never knows about this got it and its fine ' i said and he nodded and i look everywear for my underwear and bra " here " Harry said him in his boxer giving me my Lace Bra and Making underwear " thanks " i said giving him a small smile i got changed and so did Harry good thing we shared a room together a bang came for the door

" 2 min guys you got another interview " Paul said and i sighed and got changed and walk out letting Harry get changed i got to the kichen and got toast Louis walk in and sighed " your not drinking again " he said and i laughed " fine with me " i said and i gave him a pieace Liam walk in only in his boxer

' LIAM PUT ON SOME PANITS " i yelled and Liam shook his head and left Zayn and Niall came in and laughed ' wow Liam got yelled at " Niall said and i rolled my eyes " i'm a girl shut up " i said and Niall blushed looking down and Zayn laughed Liam and Harry came into the room talking and i look away

" so how the song writing coming " Liam ask and i nodded " good i got to soong that got finish one called she's so gone and the other called somebody " i said and they nodded " cool ' Harry said and i nodded " i think of singing them at the next concert my next ablum need to have some rock and roll sound so why not " i said and Louis smiled " she's so gone where the hell did that come from " Zayn ask and i glared at him

" everyone still think i the girl from x factor heck you five still do but she gone i got more muture and that " i said and Louis laughed and i punch his arm playful " your still the tomboy i know " Liam said and i smiled big " good " i said and they laughed

" ok guys and girl lets go we have a interview " Paul said and we followed " some one please remind me where we are " i ask and Harry looked " spain " he said and i nodded " my not italy i can speak itailan not spainish " i complained and they laughed and i glared at them we got into the car and went to the interview

- 1 month later -

2 more weeks before mine and ross wedding " Louis stop it " i said and ross laughed " come on Isa he just having fun " he saidd and i sighed Harry look over at us and i saw hurt in his eyes " give me a sec k babe " i said and he nodded and i got up and walk over to Harry ' can i talk to you alone for a sec " i ask Niall smirk and Harry nodded he had a frown on his face i took his arm and pulled him to the storge room and closed the door behide me

" Harry why is it ever time i look at you your look at me like when we use to date and why is it every time i see you look at me and ross i see hurt in your eyes what the hell going on and i know when you lie so spill " i said and he sighed

" it's nothing Isabelle just go back to ross you have a lot to do for your wedding " he said and i sighed ' there you go again Harry want did i do for you to push m-"

" YOUR NOT WITH ME THAT THE PROBLEM ISABELLE YOUR NOT LOVING ME " he yelled and i step back " you happy i said it i'm still in love with you it hurt to see you with Ross no it doesn't hurt it kills me i'm sorry but the truth need to come out " he said and i gulp down the lump in my throat

" what about kendall " i ask and he sighed " i never loved her it was you all the time i loved you i just need someone to take my mind off you and i never work " he said and i went to the door " Isa when are you going to see the truth maybe that night a month ago when we did it maybe we ar-"

" SHUT UP HARRY " i yelled " i can't love you anymore " i said and i felt his eyes burn into my back " 2 more week of this tour and I will never see you again " I said regretting the words once they left my mouth

" What happen to us isa we use to love each other so much thank to one mistake -"

" Your mistake which made me brake up with you " I said and he stop " I was drunk " he said and I turned around look him in the eyes we were a lot closer now

" So was I a month again " I said and he sighed looking away " when are you going to see it we were meant to be not you and him " he yelled and I was up against the wall

" Because I love him and not you and if you can't see that then don't bother to come " I said and walk out

" Hey you ok " Ross ask and I nodded " fine "I said he gave me a hug if only he knew what I was going though.

" We can go now if you want " he said and I shook my head " I'm good "

" You sure "

" Yes I'm sure I love you "

" I love you too isa "

- 5 hour later -

" What up with you two " Louis ask and Harry look at me " nothing HAROLD being a jackass " I snapped stomping to my room

" At less I'm not a whore " he yelled and I stop " don't come non of you don't come to the wedding I was much happier when I wasn't with you guys" I said and ran to my room crying

" Isabelle "

" No Harry you've hurt her enough" Louis yelled and bang on the door

" Isa it's me " he said and I open and he pulled me into a hug " I'm sorry Lou I'm so sorry " I cried and he shook his head

" It's ok isa it's okay " he said hugging me tighter " he called me a whore he never called me that he promise me he would never call me that and he did " i cried harder

" Harry been different ever since you came back into our lives " he said and I nodded

" Thank you Lou "

" No problem isa "

(A/N: their you go sorry I didn't update lately it's hard with school and that but yeah their you chapter hope you like it

~ Sarah:)

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