Chapter 12 - Birds of paradise

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Chapter 12 - Birds of paradise. The bird of paradise is a colorful flower symbolizing magnificence, beauty and freedom. It is also related to bananas, which makes this surprising looking flower even a little more special.

I had had this urge for days now, just to make Ruki at least talk to me. I still hadn't apologized for what happened, it was like I was scared of bringing it up. Almost as if I ignored it, it wouldn't be real. I've had a hard time getting some alone time with him though. Especially now that Kai was always came and left with me for work.

As we were about to enter the elevator, Ruki came running asking us to hold it for him. It was kind of crowded in there. I was happy that I was able to be close to him, even if he didn't know it.

"Ruki-san, good morning!" Kai said with a bright smile as always, revealing every dimple. I tried to do the same but I just mumbled something messed up.

"Good morning" He said tiredly. Was he having trouble sleeping again?

"It's only two weeks left now, are you nervous?" Kai tiptoed where he was standing, probably knowing that I'd find it horrible if there would be a silence now.

"No, I know that I have the best support" Ruki replied, his eyes expressed something I couldn't really put to words, then glanced at me. Not an obvious glance, only for a moment. But there definitely were a moment.


Wednesday was here and me and Rika had made plans together with Aya. I had never been that girly type who gossiped with her girlfriends over drinks and watched romantic movies while munching sweets in very casual clothing, but today, was a day like that.

It was very fun though and I could see why people did this often, I just never had that possibility I guess, I was always focused on work.

I had had something on my mind for a while though, that I wanted to talk with them about. I just didn't know how to do it or where to start.

"Cheers!" Rika held up her refilled glass in the air for a toast in excitement. Her hair was up in two buns and she wore really cute sweatpants in a light pink shade and a big grey sweater, I think it was Kais actually.

"I'm really glad you invited me, Rika-san!" Aya was getting along really well with Rika, not that I ever worried, everybody loved Aya. She was wearing a big dark green, knitted shirt that ended just above her knees, soft leggings and fuzzy slippers. They looked just like those girls in teenage movies.

"Me too!" Rika hoorayed into a giggle, both of them slightly drunk. Aya because she always drank too much and Rika because she didn't really seem like someone who usually drank.

I was mostly sitting there, I had never been an talkative person, but I enjoyed their company and their attitudes, it made me in a good mood. Aya braided my hair earlier into a fishtail braid and I put on my favorite yellow hoodie and grey sweatpants, I kind of felt weird at first but I thought it would be weird being proper dressed if they went all in.

"So, any new that's going on?" Rika looked at us, mostly at me though. I think Aya was still kind of trying to get over the fact that she was in the drummer of her favorite bands house cause she didn't really notice the question at first.

"The tour is coming up and I don't have an apartment" I sighed, tried avoiding any other questions.

"Bah, Natsumi! No work talk, we promised!" Aya pouted, threw a pillow at me but missed and it hit the floor instead.

"I meant more like, do any of you have a boyfriend?" Rika tried again, we both knew that she was married so it was not weird that she wanted to know where we stood in our lives.

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