Irrational Wishes

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George Eacker had a lot of wishes.
He wished to become a widely popular and respected lawyer.
He wished to possibly become president one day.
He wished to someday pass on his charming good looks to his future children.
All his wishes were rational- except one.

George Eacker had the completely irrational wish to kiss every single one of Philip Hamilton's freckles.

It wasn't even always a sexual thing.
Just as much as George wished to kiss the freckles that probably dotted Philip's inner thighs, and feel the man wiggle beneath him in pleasure, he wanted to just kiss the ones along Philip's forehead, and hold him close.
And it was all because of the events five years ago.

Five years ago George Eacker had shot Philip Hamilton just above the hip, almost killing him.
Five years ago George Eacker had been terrified that he had killed the younger man.
Five years ago George Eacker had visited Philip Hamilton in the hospital, apologized, and struck up a friendship with him.
Five years ago George Eacker had noticed Philip Hamilton's freckles.

Philip's skin was coated in freckles.
George could still remember the day he had noticed them.

George Eacker stood in front of the closed hospital door, debating on whether or not to knock.
'What if his parents are in there?'
'What if he hates me?'
'What if he's about to die, and I have to witness it?'
These thoughts ran through George's head like wildfire as he stood there, still debating on whether or not to knock.
Finally, George had had enough of his second-guessing.
He knocked.
"Come in!" Philip's voice could be heard, calling from the other side of the door.
He sounded tired.
George adjusted the bouquet of flowers in his arms and opened the door.
Whoever Philip had been expecting to see, it was not George.
"Eacker?" he asked, his mouth a small 'o'.
"Hello, Hamilton." George said, awkwardly, standing in the doorway "How are you feeling?"
"Come to shoot me again, have you, Eacker?" Philip asked, eyeing the taller man.
"I have not." George said, walking forward and giving Philip the bouquet "I have come to apologize."
"You act as if I am some woman you are courting." Philip said, smelling the flowers.
"You are not wrong." George said, smirking a bit.
Philip smiled back at him.
"Will you accept my apology?" George asked.
Philip thought for a moment before nodding yes.
George smiled. "Well, I best be off, before your father comes in and beats me to death for what I did to you."
George walked towards the door, opened it, and was about to close it behind him before Philip spoke up.
"George," he said "I- I wouldn't mind if you brought me more flowers."
George smiled, nodded, and left.

George stood outside the door for a moment, replaying the event in his head.
He started to blush.
How could one person have that many freckles?

Five years passed since then, and George was happy to say he and Philip had become close friends.
They even worked in the same building, both as lawyers, so it was not difficult to see each other.
But, of course, their close relationship was the perfect place for George's irrational wish to grow.

Goddamn irrational wishes.

The sun had set hours ago, signaling the end of the day for the lawyers in the building. George could have left if he wanted to, but he was determined to perfect his case for tomorrow's court hearing.

The clock on the wall said it was half past ten in the evening, so of course he jumped when Philip opened George's office door.

"My god, Philip!" George said "You scared the life out of me!"
Philip laughed and walked over to read what George had written from over George's shoulder, swinging his cane as he went.

Philip didn't really need a cane anymore, but his father insisted he have it with him in case he were to need it, and Philip compiled.

"It's rather late, George," Philip said as he read George's writing "why aren't you at home?"

George shrugged his shoulders. "I would like to finish this, first."
With Philip right there, it was all George could do not to reach out and pull the man forward to kiss his freckles.

"Do you still not have a wife of husband to look after?" Philip asked, putting down the pile of papers.

"I'm afraid not." George said, watching Philip pull up one of the spare chairs in his office.

"Pity." Philip said "Why do you not?"

"I have not found the right person, I suppose." George said. That was a lie. He wasn't married because he already loved Philip.

Philip hummed in response.

"And what about you, Philip?" George asked "You stayed just as late as I did, and I know you're not married. Why is that?"

"I stayed late because I fell asleep at my desk." Philip said. George chuckled. "And I do have a man I would very much like to marry."

George raised an eyebrow. Being homosexual had never been a sin, and George had seen plenty of homosexual couples throughout his life, but it surprised him that Philip would have any interest in other men.

"And who might that be?" George asked.

Philip suddenly stood up and put his hands on the armrests of the chair George was sitting in, locking the man in. They were close enough for their lips to almost be touching.

"You." Philip said quietly "It was always you."

George leaned forward and kissed him lightly, pulling Philip forward so that he was sitting on George's lap.
Philip gripped his hands on George's shoulders as the kiss deepened, as if to keep himself steady.
His cane leaned, abandoned, against George's desk.

George eventually released Philip from the kiss to breath, and then began trailing kisses down Philip's neck.

"George, what are you doing? That tickles!" Philip asked, giddy that George Eacker had actually kissed him.

"I'm going to kiss all your goddamn freckles, Philip Hamilton." George said determinedly.

Philip laughed, and kissed George again.

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