Hey guys it's Lilly, I haven't updated in forever but I'm going to try and be more active now that school is settling down. I read suggestions and they really helped tysm ❤️
30th July
LIZA POV Saturday morning and I wake up to a text from Gabbie, what could she possibly want it's only 11am. Okay wow it's 11am I should probably get up. I read Gabbies text message, Text convo: G. Hey want to come with Zane David and I to the movies tonight at 7?
L. Okay sure sounds fun
G. Cool! Make sure you wear something cute fam 😉
Wear something cute why, it's just the movies and they're just my friend oh well. I decide to get out of bed, letting my feet hit the soft carpeted stairs that are so warm from the morning sun shining on them. I go into the kitchen and see a note from my mum Good morning my darling, I know I was only in town for a few days but I got called up to a business conference at the last minute, I'm so sorry Hun xx I'll be back in town in a couple of weeks, call me if you need anything xo
Ughh do that's great mums gone now for another couple weeks, I really miss when she's not here the house doesn't feel like my home when she leaves, it's just a place where I sleep at night when she's gone. Anyway I grab a bowl of fruit loops because mums not here to tell me to eat healthy, and I sit in the couch to watch a marathon of The Vampire Diaries, I've been hooked ever since Gabbie, Carly and Erin showed it to me.
*6pm Leaving my very comfortable couch was hard, but I got up took a shower and convinced myself tonight was a good idea, Davids going to be there so I'm probably going to make a fool out of myself as per usual, but nonetheless I pick out a cute outfit like Gabbie suggested, hopefully it might distract David from my stupidity.
vv Lizas outfit vv
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I sit down at my mirror and put my eyebrows on with the rest of my makeup, tonight's going to be fun, I'm not nervous, and I'm not gonna make a fool of myself in front of David, who am I kidding? all of those things are going to be the complete opposite, a loud echoing ring him disrupts me from my thoughts I jump and almost poke myself in the eye with my mascara, I look at the caller id and see who it is
L- h-hey David D- hey there Liza, I'm out the front grab your things and get your little butt out here, I don't like waiting *says it friendly not rude L- haha okay I'll be there in a sec *hangs up
My little butt? He'd know I guess he was starting at it. I stand up and brush myself off, even though there's nothing on me, I look at myself for a second then head downstairs with my phone and purse, I lock the front door and make my way to Davids care in my driveway
"Hey David" "Hey li- wow, you look..." "I look?" "You look.. wow.... oh my god I'm sorry ummm, that was so awkward, I'm sorry" David says
That wasn't awkward, that was freaking cute, I look wow. ah shut up Liza, he doesn't like you stop getting your hopes up
"Haha no worries don't stress david"
We drive to the movie theatre to go meet Gabbie and Zane, on the way we listen to music dig along and just be the stupid teenagers we are.
**unedited** plz don't kill me Oml that was so short but I haven't updated since February so I thought I'd do something, I'll put part two up Wednesday probably. It's 12am and I have to wake up for school, that's not happening. I just want do say thanks heaps for all the positive comments and reads and votes, I didn't expect so many people eating me to upload haha ly guys will be active from now on Anyway see you laters guys -Lilly 💖