Monster Monster

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At 8:00 a.m., Yuka Takashi was standing outside a classroom waiting to be introduced to her new classmates for the rest of her highschool life. "Why hello. You must be Yuka Takashi from Fukuoka." A boy with a black school jacket and a red undershirt smirked. Yuka rolled her eyes. "Go away, I don't associate with people like you."

"People like me? Why whatever do you mean?" The boy gave her a wicked grin.

"Manipulators. People who think they can get away with anything by pinning it on someone else. I've dealt with someone like you, so I know how to spot them. No go away before I throw you out a window." Yuka snapped.

"My, my Yu-chan~. What a temper you have!" The boy laughed. Yuka's eye twitched as she stalked over to him and punched him out of the window. "Don't call me that. Jackass." She turned around to see the teacher and some of her new classmates looking at her in shock. "Tch." She turned and walked away.

"Miss Takashi! Stop! You can't go unpunished!" The teacher called. Yuka yawned. "Have the principle punish me tomorrow. I'm going home."


"Isn't that Monster Yuka?" A bystander whispered. Within a week, Yuka had made a name for herself in the legendary Ikebukuro. "She's as strong as that Shizuo Heiwajima kid! I heard if you make her mad, she'll throw you out a window and walk away." Okay, so her rep was based on a minor violent outburst that dealt with the boy she punched out of a window. But it was still legit.

Yuka walked towards an alleyway street, her groceries hanging from her right arm when she was almost hit by a truck. That, unfortunately, did hit a hot blonde mess. Yuka knelt down and said, "Yo. You alright?" The answer to her question was soon revealed when the truck went flying off the ground and said hot blonde mess that got hit stood up on his feet. Yuka stood and said, "I'll take that as a yes. My good deed for the day is done." She started walking away when she heard, "Yu-chan~!" Yuka froze and her eye started to twitch. "How many times do I have to tell people not to call me that?!" She growled.

"IZAAAAAYAAAAA!" The hot blonde mess screamed. Yuka groaned in annoyance. She turned around to see Izaya gone. "Damn jackass." She growled.

"You're right there." The hot blonde mess agreed.

"Well you're fine, so....later." Yuka gave a small wave and walked away.

"Wait! What's your name?" The hot blonde mess asked.

"Yuka. Yuka Takashi. And you?" Yuka turned back, a grin on her face.

"Shizuo Heiwajima." The hot blonde mess smirked. Little did those two know that later on, they'd be best friends.


"Oi! Heiwajima-san!" Yuka jogged up to said blonde mess. "What're you doing skipping school?"

"I could ask you the same thing, Takashi-san." Shizuo replied.

"Touchè." Yuka chuckled. "So where ya headed?"

"Russian Sushi." Shizuo answered.

"Cool. I'm on my way to visit Celty." Yuka yawned, walking with her fingers laced together and her hands behind her head.

"Hn. Mind if I tag along?" Shizuo asked.

"Sure, why not? Let's bring some sushi for Celty, too." Yuka decided. The two walked up to Russian Sushi and order 3 orders of yellowfin tuna (actual tuna) to go. After a discussion (more like a 'lover's spat', according to Simon, which caused more of an arguement), Shizuo payed for the tuna.

"I don't see why you couldn't pay." Shizuo complained.

"Because my original plan was to head to Celty's. Not Russian Sushi, which was your original plan." Yuka replied. She pressed the intercom button after removing the sucker in her mouth, she said into it, "Celty! Yuka here, with Shizuo." The door buzzed and Yuka opened it, quickly popping the sucker into her mouth.

The two walked to the elevator and rode it all the way to the 12th floor. Yuka knocked on the door, unaware that Shizuo had his eyes on her the entire time. The only time his eyes tore away from her was when Celty had opened the door.

"Yo. What's up? We brought sushi!" Yuka grinned. Celty quickly typed on her for and showed it to Yuka.

Shouldn't you be in school?

"Nah. It's fine." Yuka waved her hand in front of her hand as she walked in, Shizuo in suit.

So what's up?Celty typed.

"Nothing much. Exams are going on, but I already finished them last week. Don't know about Heiwajima-san." Yuka replied.

"I don't care either way, but don't go making the assumption that I'm stupid, Takashi-san." Shizuo replied.

"I saw your last test scores, Heiwajima-san. Trust me, you are far from stupid." Yuka scoffed. Celty looked back and forth between them and typed on her phone.

Stop it. Your lover's spat will wake up the neighbors!

"THIS IS NOT A LOVER'S SPAT!" The two of them shouted. Their conversation had went from school grades to accusations of flirting to their issues at Russian Sushi. Celty sighed and typed on her phone once again.

Guys. Stop arguing.

Before Yuka and Shizuo could respond, someone knocked on the door. Celty opened it and the two froze on the spot when they heard, "Celty~! How have you been~?"

"Izaya." Yuka growled.

"IZAAAAYAAAA!!!" Shizuo yelled, ripping the door off it's hinges for a second time*.

"Shizu-chan, Yu-chan~! I didn't know you'd be here!" The red-eyed raven greeted happily. Shizuo gave out a (crappy) battlecry and charged at Izaya. Celty typed on her phone and showed it to Yuka.

Shouldn't you stop him?

"Why? It's amusing. And someone gets hurt. Personally, I'm rooting for Shizuo and the door." Yuka replied, opening her sushi and handing Celty hers. Shizuo and Izaya duked it out for awhile, until Yuka eventually got tired of it and grabbed them both by the ear. "Owowowowowowowowow!" They both complained.

"Now don't get me wrong," Yuka snapped her head towards Izaya. "I hate you with every fiber of my soul and," She turned to Shizuo. "I was hoping you'd beat the shit out of him. However!" She let go of their ears. "If you two don't knock it off, I will beat the shit out of both of you. Do you understand?" The two sweatdropped and nodded. That's how their day ended (kinda).

The entire class of 2009 graduated (much to Izaya's surprise), and Yuka left Ikebukuro for college (leaving a crying Saburo, Tom, and Shinra). Now to the present...........


* - Definitions or explainations

"Shizuo ripped off the door for the second time." ー During the episode 'Badass Dude', Shizuo had ripped the door off it's hinges when visiting Shinra and Celty. His intention was to repeatedly hit Izaya with it (who was busy getting his nails done by Celty).

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