Chapter Four

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Ashton's point of view
I wake up, and get ready for today. Today the Hemmings family is going to die, all besides a small girly blonde. I call my close friends, Michael Clifford and Calum Hood, and tell them to come over.

Ten minutes later, Michael, and Calum are standing in my living room. Neither Michael nor Calum look impressed.

" This better be good Irwin. We were getting ready to fuck." Michael says, picking at his nails which are full of dirt.

" Trust me you'll want in on this. I did some research and found a 'perfect' family of 5. I'm going to kill all of them but one. " I say, Calum and Michael look at each other, nod and agree to helping me.

" You say you've done some research?" Michael asks, his green eyes squinting in suspicion. I nod telling them all I know.

" The Hemmings. They seem like a good hardworking family, but they really aren't. Elizabeth is a hard drinker and has a drug addiction. Her  husband, Andrew is an abusive alcoholic and he beats the youngest until they're unconscious. Elizabeth sells their body so she can get money for drugs. Ben is always partying and sleeping around and recently got a girl knocked up, and hasn't told anyone. Jack has a drug addiction, and is constantly stealing from his room mate. And Luke, well there's nothing wrong with Luke. I decided that I'm taking them home with me, so don't kill the boy who's wearing girls clothes." I say.

The two nod, taking in all the information. As we begin making a plan, we decide the sooner the better. So we get into Michael's car, and drive to the Hemmings house. We park the car in the drive way, so it might not look so suspicious, and walk up to the blue door. I knock, and I hear Andrew yell that it's open.

We walk in, and Andrew walks out of the kitchen. Calum, being the closest to him, grabs him and puts his knife to Andrew's throat. Andrew drops his beer bottle, and I hear three people running down the stairs. Elizabeth, Ben, and Jack Hemmings. Only missing one.

I point to Jack with my gun in hand and tell him to call Luke. He calls them and I tell him to put it on speaker phone.

" Hello?"

" Luce mum and dad want you home so we can talk about something. They said it's important." Jack says, sounding completely scared.

" Uh- ok I'll be home in a couple minutes. I guess.." Luce says reluctantly.

Jack hangs up, and I take his phone. Michael goes around and takes the others phones so no one can call the cops.

" Ok, listen up. I want you all in the living room, and when Luce comes home you don't say anything. If any if you scream or make any noise I will not hesitate to kill you." Calum says, and we start walking to the living room.

Not even 10 minutes later Luce gets home.

" Hello?" She says and the door closes.

" I-in here Luce " Jack says, stuttering from nerves. Luce walks in the room, and when she sees us she freezes.

" Hey Luce, long time no see." I say, a smirk on my face. The blonde beauty trembles, and before I can say anything she runs out the door.

Just as I'm about to run after him, Michael starts running out the door, saying that he's got her.

Luce's point of view
My first instinct is to run, so I do just that. I grab my phone out of my pocket and call Lizzy, not really knowing what to do.

" Luce?"

" L-Lizzy! There's three guys in my house with weapons! I- I don't want to die!" I sob not stopping my run.

" Ohmygod! Um- I- I'm calling the cops ok? Just, just get away from your house ok?" She says frantically and I hear her tell Samantha to call the cops. I look back, and see the boy with blue hair running after me. I squeal, and run a bit faster. I turn a corner and immediately know I made a mistake. It's a dead end.

I hear a chuckle from behind me, and I turn slowly. It feels like I'm in a murder movie, and the blondes always die first. I whimper when he's right in front of me. He grabs my phone and puts it up to his ear.

" Luce's gonna have to call you back, she's busy right now." He says. He then hangs up and throws my phone against a wall, and I watch as it shatters. I scream as he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder, but he tells me to shut up. I'm to scared not to listen.

As we enter the house again, he throws me on the floor, and I scramble away pathetically. I hear laughter from behind me, and when I look up, I see Ashton. I cry out when he lifts me up by my arms and spins me around.

" Tsk, such a bad girl running away. Such a shame that I'll have to punish you." He says in a menacing tone. It sounds like he has no emotions, no feelings.

I hear someone cry out, and then I see Ben fall to the ground, a knife plunged into his chest. I go to help him but Ashton holds me in place, grabs my jaw and makes me watch as the brunette kills him.

Andrew is next. The brunette and Ashton switch places quickly.

" Do you know why you are going to die?" Ashton asks Andrew, who is shaking in fear. Andrew shakes his head, and looks to his feet.

" You're being killed because you hurt my baby girl. You all hurt my baby girl, so you're all going to die." He says, and stabs Andrew in the stomach, blood pouring out rapidly. I hear mum scream, but it blends in with Andrew's. I may not like Andrew, but my mother loves him, and I can only imagine how hard it must be to see the one you love die in front of you.

I close my eyes and try to block out my mothers screams as Ashton kills her too, but it's almost impossible.

" Aw your no fun. Don't wanna see your mommy die? Even after all she did to you?" The brunette says teasingly.

I shake my head, and cry even harder. What's taking the cops so long to get here? The brunette laughs in my ear, the sound of his laughter only making me cry more.

I feel the brunette let go of me, and Ashton is holding me again. This time with my face pressed against his chest. I feel my mother and Andrew's blood on him, rubbing into me. I start screaming, and only stop when I feel a large hand slap me across the face. I look up to see Ashton's angry face.

" I was going to be nice and not make you watch him die, but I've changed my mind." He says and turns me around to see the blue haired man stabbing Jack over and over again. I feel my knees go weak, and the only reason I don't fall is because of Ashton's tight grip on me.

Everything starts to go dark, and the last thing I hear is Jack screaming one final time before everything goes silent. Then there only darkness.

I feel like a monster and I hope this never ever happens in real life to anyone! i feel like I just killed them... *sobbing* Anywhore..
What do you think is gonna happen?
Are the police going to get there on time?
What do you want to happen?

Question: Where do you live? (not creepy..) Have you lived there your whole life?
My answer: Canada, NS. Yep I moved once but it was only like 10 feet lol, cause we used to live in a trailer but then my dad built us a nice lil house☺️

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