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When I wake up I feel cold and my whole body is in searing agony. On one side of my head my curls are wet and matted down, and I can only assume the wet substance is blood. I realize that my hands are tied behind my back, I'm gagged..and in nothing but my underwear. I open my eyes to find myself in a large basement with only one light. I have no idea where I am or who took me here. I'm lost..and I pray to god that someone, somehow, will find me. I shut my eyes again, feeling dizzy, and drift off into the darkness.

I'm woken up by a blinding light suddenly casting over me. I push back against the wall I'm next to and squint, trying to make anything out. My eyes slowly adjust and I see that I am directly in front of a staircase, the light blinding me coming from the door being opened at the top. My breathing increases as I see a man come through the door, his loud footsteps sending sharp pangs through my head. As he gets closer I see that he is extremely muscular, probably around the age of 45 or so, with dark hair and brown eyes with prominent bags underneath. I can tell he's the bastard from the parking lot, even though I didnt get a good look at him then. He gets to the bottom of the stairs and on instinct I clamber backwards, desperately trying to get away from him, which is hard with my hands tied together behind my back.

"Oh come on now, don't be like that, Curly." He says in his deep, rough voice.

I keep moving backwards as he moves towards me, until i feel my back hit the cold, cement wall. My breathing gets more and more panicked as he gets closer. It's hard to get enough oxygen, the cloth in my mouth preventing me from getting enough air. My head starts pounding and I get dizzy.

Finally, the man stops in front of me, a mere two feet away. He crouches down in front of me so we're at eye level with each other, and he grins at me, causing a chill to go straight through me. The look he was giving me was similar to how a predator would look at its prey. I start shaking uncontrollably and I shut my eyes tightly turning my face away from him.

The feeling of my chin being grabbed by dirty, callused fingers and forced to move so my head was facing forward again makes me snap my eyes back open.

"Look at me, boy!" the man yells. I flinch violently and a small yelp leaves my throat.

He grins at my reaction and says "Oh, I think we're going to have quite some fun, don't you, Curly?"

I simply stare at him wide eyed, breathing harshly. I can smell the stench of alcohol and sweat coming off of him. It's enough to make me nauseous.

" No one's gonna find you, you know." He says, making me whimper " I know how to hide my tracks well..So well that you didn't even notice that I've been following you for weeks. You didn't notice at all did you, Harry?"

My eyes widen further, if possible, at the use of my name. How the hell does he know my name?!

"I'll take that as a no then." He says grinning wickedly. He stands up and grabs underneath my arms, roughly pulling me to my feet and making me cry out in pain against the cloth in my mouth. By now I've realized there are tears streaming down my face, but I'm too terrified to care much that I'm crying at the moment.

My legs are weak and I stumble as he pulls me towards the stairs. He practically carries me up them, me struggling against him the whole time. When we reach the top I'm pushed forward, through a small kitchen and to a dark hallway. The man continues to push me forward violently until we reach a door at the end of the hall. With one last shove, I am thrown into the room, landing hard on my knees. My head hits the floor too, as i can't use my hands to break my fall. I grunt in pain and watch as the man shuts the door behind him, locking it. He turns to me then, the horrifying grin plastered on his face again.

I try to scramble away as he lunges down to grab me, but I'm too weak, too slow. He picks me up as if I weigh nothing and I am thrown onto a bed. My eyes widen in terror as I realize what this horrible, disgusting man is about to do to me. I sob loudly as he steps towards the bed and squirm backwards, away from him.

But there is no escape, I'm trapped.

And nobody is going to save me from what is about to happen.

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