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Kyler POV
Daryl, Merle, and I were running home, back to the prison. The cars were full and we had decided to run. We made it back before them. I found Carl as soon as we got back.

"Carl, Hope and Merle, are they with you, or Beth?"

"Hershel has Merle.. but ah, hope, she, well.. you two might want to sit down for what I'm about to say"

"She's dead. Isn't she?" Carl nodded. I Broke down. I just fell, crying. Someone picked me up, and I felt tears hit my shoulders.



"Is this a bad dream?"

"Nope" he set me down in our cell, wiping my tears away. "Hey, you have to stay strong, for Merle. She's still with us, right here" he points at my heart.

"I know, but she was only 2 weeks old"

"I know.."

"So, who's Hope?" Merle asked

"Our daughter" Daryl told him.

"You mentioned me in your sentence?"

"No. Our son" 

"You guys named your son after me? Why?"

"It was my idea" I said. "I figured we could name our boy after you instead of My father's name, and Daryl never mentions anything about your father"

"I didnt want our son having the name of an abusive father who left his son with scars all over his back" Daryl said

"Oh. Ok"

"So, I'm gonna go" Merle said. "Daryl, I'll talk to you later. I'd also like to meet this child of yours"

Daryl nodded and Merle left. Daryl sat on a chair

"Daryl, I'm gonna go get the baby" I walk out and get the baby. I pick him up and grab a couple bottles for him. I walk back and sit on Daryl's lap because he's still sitting in the same place. "I hope Hope didn't turn"

"Hopefully she didn't"

"They probably kept it from happening"

"I'm sure they did"

Merle woke up and look up at us with his ice blue eyes. He cried a little so I put the bottle Infront of him, he started to drink out of it. The Merle walked in "is that the baby?"

"Yes. Merle, meet Merle" I said. I stood up and handed Merle the baby.

Merle smiled, I've never seen him smile. Merle handed Merle back to me. He nodded at Daryl and walked away. I sat back​ down on his lap.

"He looks just like you, Daryl"

"He looks like both of us. He has your nose"

"Heh" I kiss Daryl. "Maybe we can move his bed in here?"

"We should" he smiled "I can go get-"

"Not yet"


"I'm gonna go put him to bed"

"Ok" I walked to his basket bed thing, which was next to Judith's. I laid him down

"Good night Merle" I said to him and I walked back to daryl.

"That was quick" I smirked and sat back on his lap

"Of course" I kissed him and he put his hand on the back of my head. He lifted me up and laid me on the bed.

"Is this why you said no about putting him in our room yet?"

"Of course, but let's try and not make it so I'm pregnant agian. I don't want to risk losing another child"



"Holy fuck" I was panting.

"It has been a long time since we did that, Y/N"

"Very. What was it, The CDC the last time?"

"I think so"

He covered us with the blanket and we laid there. "You should sleep"

"No. I'm not gonna sleep tell you do"

"I don't want to sleep"

"Oh... Is it because of Hope?"

"Yea.." tears falling down my face as he pulled me closer​to him

"Hey, it isn't your fault"

"I shoulda been here" I leaned my face into his chest

"Y/N, your alive. We can't change the past. We can always try agian"

"Maybe in a few months, or years"

"Maybe it's just a sickness."

"Daryl, it's my fault"

"No. It's not. Where's the women I fell in love with? The one who didn't out herself down?"

"She's still here... She's just feeling horrible" I smile and kiss him. We go to sleep.

In a dream
"GUYS!" I yell. I'm in a meadow. I see them, Daryl, Hope, Merle, Merle the baby, Rick, Glenn, and the rest of the group. They are walking towards me, well, Daryl, Rick, and Carl are holding the babies. As the get closer I see limbs missing, skin ripped off, and blood dripping of their faces. "Back up!"

They surrounded me. I tried to fight them off, but was grabbed by Daryl and baby Merle. They bit into my shoulders.

End of dream

I woke up, panicking. Daryl woke up when I jolted upright.

"Y/N, are you ok?"

"Y-yea...." I'm trying to hold back tears.

"What were you dreaming about?" I told him the whole thing

"What does this mean?"

"Maybe it's because you just lost your baby?"

"Maybe..." He laid me back down and held me close.

"I'll never turn, and if I do, I want you to be the one who ends me. That way, I don't hurt anyone."

"Your not gonna turn on my watch"

"I knew you'd say that. Merle, he'll never turn on our watch, plus, he's got the best survivers for parents" we smiled and went back to sleep.

895 words

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