Chapter 6: Our first Christmas

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,, Roy, look! It's snowing.'' said Ed happily. ,, Yes, it sure is pretty. Little kiddo.'' laughed Roy. ,, Who are you calling a little kid, that can't be seen under one snowflake?!'' yelled Ed. ,, Easy to provoke, are we?'' teased Roy. ,, Ah, you..... What do you want to buy anyway? Asked annoyingly Ed. ,, Well, what if we split up here and after we're done, we'll meet here?'' ,, Sounds good.'' agreed Ed. He sneezed. It was soooo cute. ,, You must be cold, right? '' asked him Roy. ,, Why do you care? '' Roy smiled and he wrapped his scarf around Ed's neck. So cute! blushed Roy. ,, T-thanks.'' Ed blushed too and they split up. Ed walked down the street and he found shop where he could buy something for Roy. Ed found just what he wanted. I hope he's going to like it. He's the Flame Alchemist after all. Roy found a perfect gift for Ed too, but.... Oh dear god, he's going to kill me. Smirked Roy to himself.

// 25th of December //

,, So, do you want to open up your gift first? '' asked Roy. ,, Nah, I'm fine.'' there was a long silence and both men felt awkward. Maybe he's nervous, because this is the first Christmas for him, and plus this is first whit me too, thought Roy. ,, Okay, we're going to open them together.'' finally said Roy. ,, Agreed.'' nodded Ed. Ed got a red ball. He's cat after all, no? (Btw, he played with it. Yay :D) Roy was happy that he didn't got killed. ,, So, how do you like your present? '' asked Ed. ,, It's .... amazing! Wanna try it out? '' asked/answered Roy. He looks like a little kid, smirked Ed. After that, they got out of the city and fired all the fireworks. ,, It's so pretty! '' panted out Ed. ,, Just like you.'' Edward blushed and hugged the Colonel. ,, Thank you.'' Roy leaned down and put a butterfly kiss on his lips. At that moment it started to snow.


Sorry, I know this chapter was short, but I hope you liked it anyway. See ya!

- Boora-chan

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