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Something caught me off guard though and it was the loud sound of gun shots like they do in the movies. I Instantly feel sick to my stomach and I look back at my house. " Daddy?"

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【3rd pov】

" Where are you taking me!? Where are you taking me!?" A boy, small in height but masculine, handsome and by the age of eighteen screams loudly, calling for help but the students peeking around remain bystanders. No one dared to make a move, to stand up, to risk their heads to protect the boy against the buff teenagers who had gripped both his arms and legs. They lead him to the back of the building, through the quiet garden and at last stopped to throw him down. Now they are located in a secluded area, no one is able to see nor hear what goes on in here. The small boy breathes heavily full of shock and panic! Squirming he attempts crawling away, to stay away and be at safe from harm, almost like if he didn't know that it was no use in the first place. He should have just laid there and died instead of trying so hard for something he knew was not going to end his way.

" Where do you think you're going!? We aren't done with you, the fuck?!" One who seems to be the leader of these other four boys speaks up, loud shape and intimidating it almost made the smaller boy tremble. Seeing as how he continues to crawl the leader grabbed him by the legs again and pulled him harshly back to the other boys. " This wouldn't be happening Jimin if you weren't so close with Kyungdo's girlfriend! Right my man?" The leader said and in reply a tall and think one nodded his head.

" I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He begs and pleads but he is well aware that in this situations, there's no stopping. No escape, and no freedom, if you want mercy sometimes you gotta pretend to feel sorry, humiliated, ashamed and broken. That is if you're lucky enough to have them stop for now. They never stopped, never learned self control, and only know how to cruelly cut all of your clothes so that your secrets are exposed. They drop dirt until your hair is dirty and you end up unhealthy.

" Sorry doesn't cut it." One of them in the back said, just as Jimin had thought they would say. No stop, No rescue,No freedom but what have he done!? Where has he gone wrong!? Why he was just merely tutoring a girl so she doesn't fail her exams, and how does he get repaid? With cold hard bricks.

" I think I know what will make you learn your lesson and stick to your lane!" A chubby one says while approaching. Each of the five boys circling  the weak one. " I think we should beat him til he barely crawls! He won't even have a face anymore by then." They all laugh mockingly at the thought. ' how wicked..' thinks Jimin to himself, whimpering, at the edge of tears. Imagining the hours of kicking and punching, the blood dripping out of an open cut if they strike too hard, and a complete bloody face; made him go quiet so suddenly. Dead quiet. Stopped begging, stopped whimpering, stopped crying, and stopped moving a muscle.

" Enough wasting time." Another speaks." Let's hurry and beat him up before class starts." He encourages. Two boys lift and hold Jimin up from the back, they grip his arms tightly careful not to be loose enough to let him escape meanwhile the buff male aims his right fist and hits Jimin in the stomach. The smaller yelps in pain at the impact! Jerking his head up to finally move once more as if he just came back from the dead. The boys smile and cheer for the next blow, and so the buff boy launches his right fist to strike Jimin on the stomach. Then he kept going, throwing blows everywhere he could, in the face, on the guts, on his arms, shoving his head or kicking his shin. Jimin eventually got his glasses knocked off his face and he panics. Now his eye sights is blurry and he couldn't see his bullies, could not see where the blows are going to hit therefore he panics more until his head drops in defeat but that did not stop them from hitting him more.

" No stop. No rescue. No escape. No freedom, no mercy." Jimin says while coughing violently. He couldn't see the red liquid that drops from his lips and onto the pavement. It distracted some of the boys but not for long. " No stop.no rescue. No escape. No freedom. No mercy." Now he is chanting.

" Shut the fuck up!" The masculine one twist his arms to set an uppercut. It flying, fist and knuckles wagered to send Jimin on a painful trip to break his mandible. But just as it was about to strike Jimin lifts his head and stares dead on at his bully despite the blurryness. Swiftly he kicks the boy on the dick, somehow regaining unbelievable strength and flips the other two holding him back to the ground in one move.

" What the fuck!?" Two more launch themselves at Jimin. " this fucking loser!" Jimin with no fear evident on his face expression dodges. Taking three long steps back and senses the other two fall. The others despite harmed got back up except the one who's dick got hit. They swing their fist at Jimin with a roar but the smaller grabs a hold of both their hands before brutally and harshly twisting it around until the chilling cracking sounds of bones breaking appears and following after it is the ear-splitting scream of the boys who drop to the floor and grip onto their broken hands. ' Tsk babies.' Thought Jimin when he steps forward until his feet is on top on the buff boy's head. He purposely squeezes the boy's head with his own feet, each second passes the stronger jimin's strength in his foot increases and the louder the boy beneath him screams in agony. He yells for help but the other boys remain bewildered and shocked and useless. " please! Please!" The boy begs and pleads.

" No stop. No rescue. No escape. No freedom. No mercy." Jimin chants and by the time he gets to chanting 'no mercy' the boy's skull has cracked and when Jimin approached the rest of the  boys run away. The smaller unavailable to see senses them gone. Now alone he casually picks up his glasses, puts them on, and then walks away leaving  injured and probably dead boys to the ground. His priority 35 minutes ago was to eat and tend to his next class. Top student with amazing grades, decides to mysteriously disappear and leave off school grounds.

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