Luke Finds Out

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"Luke, please! Just cut it out already!" Jai begged. I had him tied to a chair and was currently throwing all sorts of things at his face. Mustard. Expired milk. Tomato sauce. It was kind of pathetic to watch my younger twin beg me to leave him alone, but it's always been this way. I've always bullied him and he's always taken it. Jai was extremely shy and could never stand up for himself even though he could probably beat me up. He's just way too nice.

"Now, why would I do that? It's TwinTalkTime, Jye!" I teased. I had convinced him to let me tie him to a chair for a video, but it was all an act. I was just bored, so I decided to entertain myself. I hadn't even pressed record on the camera. There's no way I would ever let any of our fans know that I wasn't sweet and innocent like they thought. Then of course, my mother and older brother have no idea I pick on him like this, either.

"I'm done, Luke. I know this isn't TwinTalkTime. Please. Let me go already." He tried again. I was growing tired of the same begging, so I decided to take pity on him. I quickly reached over and untied him.

"Go wash up." I ordered, not wanting to clean up anymore than I already had to. He immediately scurried away before I could even blink.

I shook my head. I honestly don't understand why he puts up with me. I wouldn't if I was him.

I got bored again, so I decided to snoop through Jai's room while he was probably crying in the shower. It's kind of sad really. I bully him so much, but the only time he ever cries is in the shower.

I throw myself on his bed, only to feel something hard under my back. That's weird. I smirk to myself when I realize Jai has to be hiding something. I throw his sheets back only to find his laptop.

"This will be good." I murmur to myself. I snatched his laptop and ran to my room with it. "What could Jai-Jai be up to?"

I opened his laptop and click on a folder that says 'video diaries'. That makes me chuckle, but I can't help but wonder what kind of prissy little thoughts my twin records in his video diaries. I decided to open the latest one. Let's just say I was not prepared.

"Hey Video Diary. It's Jai." He started out, and I had to laugh on how pathetic my twin was. "Well, I guess I'll just say it's been a really rough week so far. I honestly hate Luke. I don't know what I ever did to him, but yeah. He went too far again." That part surprised me. I figured he probably hated me with the way I treat him, but I wouldn't say I ever go too far. I guess Jai just needs to man up. "I'm not going to elaborate, but let's just get to the main point. I did it again. I know I promised myself last time would be the last time, but if I'm going to ever hold on until December 2nd then I need to. Luke just goes way too far sometimes." December 2nd? I was confused. What was happening on December 2nd? And what did he do again that he wasn't supposed to? I swear he's so weird. "I guess since I can't tell anyone, I might as well tell you, Video Diary. I cut again. See look at my arm." Jai lifted up his right sleeve and I was surprised to see  countless red lines littering his arms. This was news to me. I never knew that my brother cut himself, and I felt slightly guilty about how hard I've been on him lately, but I brushed it off. He'll be fine. "I didn't want to, but I couldn't stop myself. It was either this or kill myself before December 2nd. I don't even know why I made a suicide date that far away. Maybe I was being too hopeful, because I know that things are never going to get better. Anyways, I can't wait for December 2nd to get here, so I can finally kill myself and get it over with. I'm sick of living like this. I honestly just want to die now, but I already made that stupid diary video promising myself I would wait and see if anything changed. Anyways, thanks for listening to my whining, Video Diary. Bye for now, Jai."

The video had ended, but I couldn't move. Jai was planning to kill himself on December 2nd. That's six months from today. I know I had to do something. I know I've never been exactly loving towards him but even if it was only by two minutes, Jai was still my baby brother. I feel really bad knowing that I caused part of this. I was going to be a better brother starting today. I was going to fix this, somehow. I just didn't know how that was going to happen yet.

I quickly returned Jai's laptop to his bed, making sure to leave it the way I found it. I didn't want him to think I was being cruel to him again. That's actually the last thing I wanted. As I was leaving Jai's room, I accidentally walked straight into him.

"Luke?" Jai glanced nervously over to where his laptop was hidden on his bed. "What are you doing in my room?"

"Waiting for you, of course." I smiled at him. He gave me a grossed out look and I had an urge to punch him. That's the last thing he needed.

"Um. Okay. W-what do you want." Jai stuttered nervously. Great. I had already scared him. Just my luck.

"We need to film a real TwinTalkTime video. I'm not even joking this time." I said honestly. He looked down indecisively before looking back up at me.

"Ok. Just let me get dressed first."

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