Secret's Out

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The sun shined through the curtains, waking up Snow. Since it was a Saturday, the class was allowed to sleep in until 8:30. She checked the time on her phone, 7:26.

She stood up and walked to the living room to see Kim, Alix, Max, and Juleka awake, all still in pajamas.

"Mornin' Snow." Kim said as she walked into the room.

"Morning. What are y'all doing?" She asked.

"We're watching Juleka and Max play chess and also trying to figure out a good area to race." Alix said, gesturing to Max and Juleka and then herself and Kim. Snow nodded and stood there, watching, for a second before walking into the kitchen/dining room. It was the same size as the living room, with wooden counters that stretched on one wall with a fridge, stove, sink, and dish washer. The cabinets were a 1800's design but so beautiful. And above the sink was a stainless glass window with a bear, moose, and deer in a forest by a lake. She looked down onto the counter which had 15 cereal choices. Three boxes of each choice.

She left the choices be, not really wanting any of the options. She remembered she had a box of granola bars in her bag so she sneaked back into the room and sat back down on the couch. After she was done eating that, she carefully stood up and threw it away in the trash bin by the bedroom door. As she was about to touch the doorknob to leave the room, an ear splitting scream was heard throughout the house.

Alya, Marinette, Adrien and Nino were startled awake, Nino falling off his bed. They all ran to where the scream was heard, Chloe's room.

"There's a bird! Get it out!" Chloe shrieked. Everyone either sighed, grunted, or groaned in annoyance.

"Really, Chloe? You almost gave people a heart attack." Alix groaned.

"I'll get the broom." Kim said, about to walk to the kitchen.

"No! I'll get it." Snow snapped at him. She didn't want to scare it.

"Jie Jie." She whispered so low no one could hear. Jie Jie appeared in her vision. Snow walked up to the scared bird sitting on the headboard of the bed. Snow held her finger out for the bird to jump on it as Jie Jie persuaded the bird to trust her. The bird jumped onto her finger. Snow walked towards the opened window and set the bird free. She looked out of the corner of her eye and nodded to Jie Jie, telling her she can go.

Everyone gaped at the girl. Everyone thought the newest member of the class was mysterious as hell, Snow never talked about anything outside of school, the only person who spoke no gossip. But honestly, had the most gossip that could be spoken.

Marinette POV

The class went hiking around three o'clock. I was looking forward to hiking. The crisp winter air blew my hair out of my face as we walked on the trail filled with dead leaves.

I imagined the leaves when they were alive, as then when they were dying. It's weird, how when a leaf is dying, it's at its prettiest.

I looked over at Adrien, he was wearing the scarf I gave him along with a trench coat from Gabriel's winter line.

The trail was pretty flat, just a simple trail through the woods. But it was beautiful.

"Ugh! How much longer are we going to be walking?! My feet are killing me!" Chloe groaned.

"Maybe you shouldn't have worn heels then, Chlo." Adrien chuckled. I chuckled a little too.

"What are you laughing at, Mari-Trash? At least I have the decency to be pretty." Chloe scoffed. I looked down and continued to walk.

"Leave her alone, Chloe." Snow snapped.

"Don't listen to her, girl." Alya said, coming up beside me. I shrugged, not really sure what to say.

Adrien POV

I was walking behind Marinette and Alya, chatting with Nino, when the wind blew the end of my scarf in my face. I brushed the scarf out of my face and noticed stitching in a darker shade of blue. Marinette. Why is her name on my scarf?

I thought for a second and then it hit me. Literally because the wind blew the scarf in my face again. But I also remember Marinette say that she always puts some sort of signature on her designs.

"Hey, Marinette?" I asked, getting her attention. She turned around and stopped walking.


"You made this scarf, didn't you?" I asked. Her eyes widened and she started to stammer to figure out what to say.

"Mar-Marinette, it's okay! It's okay! But, why didn't you tell me? And, how'd my dad get it?" I said, putting a hand on her shoulder calming her down.

"I'm going to go catch up with Nino. Later girl." Alya said, waving goodbye to Mari.

"I-I well, I sent you the scarf as a present on your birthday but forgot to sign it. And at your party I saw the present and put a sticky note on it with my name on it. But I guess it fell off." She explained.

"But why didn't you tell me?"

"I-I saw how happy you were, thinking it was from your dad. I didn't want to take that away from you." A light shade of pink spread across both our cheeks.

"Thank you, Mari." I thanked, pulling her into a hug. She stiffened, shocked at first before hugging back.

We walked together for the rest of the hike. We told random stories about each other and jokes. I love talking to Marinette. She's so sweet and funny and kind, it just makes me happy.

When we got back to the cabin, it was close to dark. Ms. Bustier's sister had made a camp fire and we were all going to hang out there. We sat around the fire for hours, telling stories and listened to Chloe complained.

"Marinette, your hair is looks so oily. If it got caught in the fire, the entire mountain would burn." Chloe cackled. Her entire "joke" was stupid in the first place.

"Chloe, stop it. Just leave the girl alone." Snow snapped. Chloe growled at her, and stood up, walking towards her.

Snow POV

Chloe walked over, obviously angry, and bent down in my ear.

"You try to play a hero, but really, your just an orphan. That's right, Snow. I know your secret. And if you don't stop being nice to Marinette, I'll tell everyone." She growled in my ear.

My mission, is to help Marinette. My mission, is to help Ladybug. I was asked to help her by the ancestors, and I was going to honor it. Even if it meant losing this secret. Honestly, I didn't care. Marinette is my friend too, and I don't let my friends go under.

"Okay, Chloe. Wanna play that game? Let's play." I whispered under my breath to her. I stood up on the stump I was sitting on, getting everyone's attention.

"I'm an orphan!" I announced, flailing my arms out and letting them fall to my side. I looked at everyone's expression. Shock and pity. Revealing this secret actually hurt more than I thought. I didn't want to be known as an orphan. I didn't want to accept being an orphan. But this made it real.

"Happy, Chloe?" I said to her before storming off into the cabin.


So hey guys. Sorry I haven't updated in a week, I've been a little busy. But anyways, if I made an Instagram for my account on here so I can keep y'all updated on my updates, would y'all follow?

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