I Am a Cat

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Dazai woke up feeling tears on his face ... why would he cry ? ... it was a dream that showed him what he wished for the most ... but it was a fact that there were tears falling ... this didn't happen since that time ...
Coincidently, all the ADA members had a weird dream ... a dream that seemed so realistic ... they all loved to call it just a "dream" but they knew ... deep in their hearts ... they knew that this was what will happen in a world with no abilities ...
This wasn't a coincidence ... there are no coincidences in this world ... someone is planning something ... something was going to happen ...
They had to move ...
The Port Mafia thought the same ...
The Guild thought the same ...
All of them thought the same ...

Except one person ...

Fyodor opened his eyes ... he also saw what will happen in a world with no abilities ... he couldn't care less ... it was the other way around ... he couldn't be more sutisfied ... because now he had a proof that the book existed ... and now he had a strong ally on his side ...

He looked at that person who joined him and just smiled ...


All went according to Natsume Soseki's plan ... why wouldn't he be behind everything when the book was in his possession ...
He loved his town ... he loved Yokohama ... protecting it was his duty ... now that his subordinates weren't here anymore ... now that Mori and Fukuzawa were long ago gone from this world ...
The members of the Armed detective agency ... the members of the Port Mafia ... the ex members of the Guild ... all of them lost any hope in winning against the rats ... Natsume couldn't leave things to them anymore ... he had to show them ... show them what will happen in a world with no abilities ... even if he risked to unveil the book's position ... but he had to bring back hope to their darkened hearts ... that was the only way ... he even wished that the rats's Leader Fyodor would change his mind and give up on reserving such a terrible ... horribal ... cruel .. fate to the ability users ... but he himself didn't have too much hope in setteling things this easily ... he, after all , knew how selfish and stubborn the mad Russian was ... that's why he used the book ... to bring back hope ... because he was convinced ... convinced that what the book showed could never be changed ... convinced that there was no escape from fate ...
What he didn't know ... the thing that didn't even cross his mind ... is that there could be someone outside there who saw something other than despair in what the book showed ...
Someone who had hope in a world with no abilities ...
Someone who believed that there is no such a thing called "fate" ...

All went as Natsume Soseki planned ... he was so naive for thinking this way ...

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