Causes and Consequences

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Nothing had really changed in a certain way ... Kunikida was a Maths teacher now ... Gin was a nurse now ... Lucy is still working in that café now ...
But if someone looked closely ... they would notice that when Lucy looks back at the café, she finds her friends there ... they don't disappear ... they would notice that Gin hasn't that fake smile on her face ... they would notice that Kunikida doesn't need to lie in front of Fukuzawa's grave ... it wasn't clear but the changes were there ... they were real ... No ! it's not like they forgot everything ...
No one of them forgot ...
But all of them moved on ...
Yeah ... they did it ... they changed their so called 'fate' .

Akutagawa was walking under the full moon ... obviously thinking about his mentor ... it was hard for him to get used to his new life ... but at least he had hope to meet his mentor once again ...
Suddenly, the silver haired boy ... Atsushi ... was facing him ... the image was just as the book showed ... but the feelings weren't the same ... Akutagawa didn't have to plead the other to kill him now ...
Atsushi got closer ... and closer ... and closer to the other ... the other didn't back away ...
Atsushi put his lips softly on the other's ... then pulled away ...
Akutagawa wasn't surprised ... he already lived that moment before ... but it is different now ... because it isn't a farewell kiss ... it is a kiss that leads to a new story ... a new experience ... a new beginning .

Chuuya was heading to his house when he heared his phone ... it was a text from Dazai ... it said ....
                 "I can't take it more"
Chuuya didn't even think ... he rushed immediatly to that lake were he found Dazai's dead body ... he would definitaly not bear to live this moment ... see this scene ... feel this feeling ... once again ...
When he reached the lake ... he found ...

... Dazai there ... waiting for him ... Chuuya should have been angry ... raged ... but no ... he just thought "this guy will never change ..." while tears fell down his cheeks ... but those weren't tears of sadeness ... those were tears of joy ... of happiness ... he couldn't feel more releaved ... and happier ... he was mesmerized by the sight of Dazai with a soft smile on his face ... his brown hair was hovering in the air ... the whole scenery was embellished with the setting sun behind him ... that was definitaly how Chuuya would imagine heaven ...
"Can't you stop wearing that hat ?" Asked Dazai with a smirk .
"Maybe when you get rid of those bandages ..." answered Chuuya with the same smirk while getting closer to Dazai's side ...
"Do you still have nightmares about corruption ... ?"
Chuuya nodded "yeah ..."
"Do you have someone to help you with them ...?"
"No ..." Chuuya was pretty confused but he knew Dazai wanted something from these questions.
Dazai toke Chuuya's hand and caressed it gently :"Do you want me to help you chasing them from now on ?"
Chuuya had his eyes wide open for a moment then he just smiled :"That would really help ..."
But then ... he couldn't restrain himself ... he snuggled into Dazai's chest and cried ... cried so much ... :"You are too late !!"
Dazai hugged him :"... You still waited for me ..." then he pulled away and wipped the other's tears gently.
"Did i have another choice ... ?" said Chuuya between his sobs.
Dazai lifted the smaller one's chin and cupped his cheeks :"I am here now ... Chuuya ." ...

Natsume looked at the sky ... at the birds fly ... at the children cry ... at people try ... try to learn from the past ... try to move on ... and bluid a bright future ... now he was convinced ... convinced that ... there was no such a thing called fate ...

There was no guild ...

No Port Mafia  ...

No Armed Detective Agency ...

No abilities in this world ...

... anymore ...

Fyodor won ...

They ... did they loose ?

As they are now ... they are everything other than losers ... that is a fact !

Poe was in his last sentence of their tale ... he wanted it to be something strong ... powerful ... something that resumes everything ... a sentence that tells all the world what they have learnt in their lives ... that is when this idea crossed his mind ...
"Just give the causes and you will get the consequences. "
He wrote it ... and closed the book ... a soft smile found it's way to his face .

                     ☆☆☆ End ☆☆☆

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