Demanding answers.

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Nagisa woke up having his head throbbing badly, probably a headache. He groaned as he got up, rubbing his forehead. "UrghH...My head hurts like hell. And I feel horrible. Great."

He slowly got up and tried to recall this weird dream he had 'That's right... I had a...dream? Where Karma was telling me that- that he l-l-lo-loved  me?!!?! No- Nagisa bad. Calm down. It's just your fantasies talking, this would never happen, don't you dare think a mistake like you can ever deserve this.' He frowned at the thought and decided to forget it for now and get up, with much difficulty.

He looked at his clock and pondered 'Huh. Almost 5 am? That's early... Oh well, might as well get up!'

Nagisa decided to not change into his uniform for now, and went to the bathroom to take a warm bath, a well deserved treat after yesterday's torture.

After the bath, he dried himself, changed into his uniform, and went downstairs to greet his mother.

As he went into the kitchen, he greeted his mother. "Good morning to you mother."

His mother, who was preparing breakfast, turned around and smiled gently. "Hello Nagisa-chan, did you have a good sleep?" She acted as if yesterday never happened.

Nagisa, sadly already used to this, nodded and prepared the table. "Yes, I had a very nice dream too."

His mother continued making breakfast, still smiling "I see. Well that's good! Please sit down, breakfast is ready~"

Both of them sat down, breakfast already served, and ate in peace, or at least as peaceful as it could be.

After breakfast, as his mother was taking a shower, he took this chance to quickly escape the punishment he would get for wearing a boy's uniform, he got out of this hell and walked to school where he met the devil who was none other than... Akabane Karma!

Karma grinned at him and waved, exclaming "Bien le bonjour Nagisa-c-kun~ Comment vas-tu~?" unknown to Nagisa's eyes, Karma had flinched a bit when he almost said "chan" out of habit. But then he remembered what happened the day before and immediately stopped himself.

Nagisa, tilted his head and tried to greet Karma back, with much difficutly since he had understood NOTHING of what Karma just said, only assuming he had greeted him. So stuttering, he said "C-Commin vaye tou t-to you too Karma-" annnnd... Failed miserably at greeting.

Karma, fully knowing Nagisa understood none of what he just said, grinned and explained, "It's french Nagisa-kun. It means "Why good day to you Nagisa-kun~ How are you~?""

Nagisa, his face brightening in understanding made an 'o' face while putting his fist into his palm. He then grinned and cheerfully said "I'm good thank you!". (He banished the questioning on how Karma knew french-)

But Karma knew. Nagisa was all but good. Espacially after what happened tonight. 'How can he be so cheerful after that?' He wondered. But then he realised. 'He must have been used to it since it started... Shit. Fuck- God dammit!' But for now, he put his rage in a corner of his mind and looked at Nagisa, face serious, "Oh by the way Nagisa-kun, could we meet up after school under the sakura tree? It's really important."

Nagisa froze for a moment, and a blush appeared on his cheeks. 'H-huh?  The sakura tree?! But that's-'

He ignored his fast beating hurt, burning red cheeks and stuttered out a "O-Oh- hum- Y-Yeah sure!" To which Karma gave a huge grin that seemed to light up Nagisa's whole dim world.

"Good then! Now let's go to class~" Karma cheerfully said, his smirk desguised as a smile, fully knowing how Nagisa was flustered. Although his purpose of talking was the most serious, he couldn't help but to choose that specific place for it.

Nagisa sighed internally 'Gosh.... This is going to be a long day. But...' He smiled a bit 'I can't wait...'

He walked next to Karma up the hill, another assassination classroom starting today.

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