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A dark headed girl was walking throught the halls when she noticed a particular blue haired individual... 'There he is....'

She walked towards him with a smile on her face and called the blue haired... Male? "U-Um Nagisa-san, could you come with m-me for a minute? I need to talk to you for a second..."

Nagisa smiled gently and said "Sure Okuda-san. Do you want to talk somewhere more private?" Which Manami smiled back at, and nodded shyly.

"I-Is near the forest good enough?" She asked, with high hopes that he would say yes. And she beamed when he did, and lead him out.

Once they were in the forest, Manami turned around and started fidgeting. "U-Um..." but didn't seem to have the courage to get to the point.

Nagisa smiled gently at her, and nodded at her to show that she could talk at any moment, which calmed her down.

'Okay... Let's do this.' She thought. She breathed in.... And out. 'I'm ready.'

She blushed lightly and started "Um, W-well actually I have a gift for you! B-Because I've always admired you a-and I wanted to... Give this to you! Would you accept it?"

Nagisa blushed lightly, even though he didn't feel any attraction towards her the slightlest, he decided that the least he could do was accept it. "Of course Okuda-san, I would be glad to."

Manami beamed at him with a blush on her face. "O-Okay. H-Here it is!" She took out a box, covered with a pink cloth and a red ribbon. "I-I made you cookies! I would like it if you could..  Eat it in front me so I know what you think of it... Is that okay with you?"

Nagisa smiled "Of course!" He gently took the box from Manami's hands, and took out a cookie. As he put it in his mouth, he closed his eyes in delight as the taste seemed to cleanse his whole body.

He squealed in delight "Mmhm~ this is so good! Thank you Okuda-"



Nagisa opened his eyes in a flash as sudden pain washed over his body, he coughed and something dripped down his mouth. He recognised the taste. He looked down to confirm and to his fear it was...


'Wh...at...' Being confused as to why he was bleeding and in sudden pain, coincidently after eating Manami's cookie, he looked up to see... The crazed psychopathic smile on her face.


As he dropped the box to the ground, and his legs trembled, he noticed the way his fingers who were tainted with a bit of blood that dropped his from his mouth were starting to get numb. And then he heard a low chukle.

"Fufu.... Kufufu... Ku-Haha- Hahaha!" A giggle spread throught the air, as Nagisa's widened eyes looked at Manami, who was now hugging herself tightly, and started to laugh hysterically, looking at the sky.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes! YES!! IT WORKED!!" She screamed as she continued to laugh and sharply looked down to see Nagisa's look of despair and pain. "So?! HOW DO YOU LIKE THE TASTE OF MY COOKIES HUH?!"

Nagisa's whole body was now trembling as he slumped slowly to the ground "O-Okuda...-San... Why..?"

She suddently stopped laughing. She looked at him with cold eyes. "Why...?" She murmured darkly. "Why? WHY!? W H Y ! ? Because you stole something from me. SOMEONE from me! You took what was supposed to be MINE!"

Nagisa shivered as he looked at the monster Manami had become. 'She's crazy! I have to get out of here!' But sadly, his body seemed to be unresponsive to his commands, as Manami continued to giggle. 'Come on.. Move!'

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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