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Nagisa could not believe what was happening. He was going to LIVE WITH KARMA!!

He was going to be free.... Even if it doesn't last long, he promised himself to enjoy every second of it. At first he thought 'What if my mom tracks me down and hurts Karma? What if he gets bored of me and kicks me out? What if I embarass myself? What if' even more what ifs this, what if that came up and his brain went dead after so much thinking.

But now that he thought about this again... He was going to have to tell his mother so she won't call the police... But how will she react?

'She'll be angry for sure. And then she'll hurt Karma and hurt me... I... I don't want this to happen to him... To us... Is it worth it? Will it be worth it angering my mother and put him in danger? Am I even worth it? A mistake... Like me?'


A voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "Nagisa-kun, are you okay?" And Nagisa quickly realised he was spacing out.

In a panic he squeaked, and said quickly, "Y-Yes! I'm alright Karma-kun! Don't worry!" Karma didn't look like he believed him one bit.

Nagisa's pigtails went down, he looked like a kicked puppy. "Okay, no. I'm not okay. It's just- I need to go back home you know, I can't just move out now... I need to take my things and- I don't know what my mother would do to you if she learned that I'm going away from her..." Unknown to Nagisa, Karma's eyes had softened at the sight of Nagisa's gloomy and slumped figure.

He said in a surprisingly gentle voice, "Don't worry, I won't let her hurt me- you, and I won't let you go back there to live with her. As soon as we take your things, you move in and that's that. If she tracks you down we either call help from Koro-Sensei, or we can just eleminate her..." he finished his sentence with a dark smirk on his lips, that made Nagisa shiver..

He shook his head, "No, No, we are not going to kill my mom, do you understand me Karma-kun?!" Karma pouted, but nodded to show that he understood.

Karma then streched out his hand to Nagisa, and gave a gentleman smile. "Well then Nagisa-kun, would you make me the honnor to walk you back?"

Nagisa flushed red, butterflies flying in his stomach. He was happy. So happy. He wouldn't have ever dreamed that this would happen in his life. And yet here he was.

Nagisa nodded shyly and took Karma's hand, and they began to walk, both way too aware about the happiness they felt.


Both of them were now in front of Nagisa's house. Because this place was not a home, it was just a house.

Nagisa didn't want to go in. He wanted to stay with Karma, but he knew that if he didn't go home there would be consequences.

He looked at Karma and smiled bitterly. "I guess... I'll go home now. Thanks for walking me back Karma-kun."

Karma smiled, but his smile didn't quite reach his eyes. He was worried for Nagisa. But he knew better than just kidnap him, so he grinned and said, "No problem Nagisa-kun! I'll come get you out of this house soon!"

Nagisa teared up. He wanted to go with Karma now, he wanted to escape this prison, the hell that was his home and the torturer that was his mom.

As his hand reached the door handle, memories flashed within his mind.



A slap. A kick. A punch. A whip. Again. And again. And again.


Another lash. Harder this time.


The abuse continued. Each screams, each flinch, each time Nagisa would make a sound, Hiromi would hit harder.

Panting was heard. And a cheerful voice giggled. "You know how bad it is when you disobey me Nagisa-chan... That's why you must be punished... After all... Bad girls must be punished right?"

Nagisa wanted to scream. To escape. But he couldn't. He was bound to be this woman's toy forever... And ever... Andeverandeverandeverandeverand-


"...Gisa-kun....Nagisa?!" Nagisa woke up from his daze and flinched. Karma was holding him by his shoulders and looked worried.

He blinked. "" Nagisa whispered. What was going on?

Karma gave a sigh of relief. "You finally woke up... Geez Nagisa-kun are you really alright?"

Nagisa's eyes teared up, as his body began to tremble. He sniffed, and said with a shaky voice, "I-I don't... Want to go home. I'm scared of what she'll do to me... Please... Don't make me go back there..."

Karma looked a bit troubled. But when he saw Nagisa's pitiful figure, and remembered the abuse he sas happen, he knew that Nagisa was not safe in this house. So he got an idea, "I know! Ask your mother if you can sleep at my home, because we're doing a project together. Like that, she won't know that you're just escaping her, and you'll know where my house is if you ever need to escape!"

Nagisa's eyes lit up with hope, as he fumbled with his pockets to get out his phone. When he did, he sent a quick polite message to his mother to ask her if it was alright to sleep at Karma's.

Surprisingly, she said yes. In the heat of the moment, Nagisa grinned, squealed and jumped on Karma to hug him. "She said yes! Thank you Karma-kun, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Karma could only smile hopelessly at this. Honestly, Nagisa was just too cute for his own good. He smiled and decided to walk while carrying Nagisa to his own house. He ignored the cute squeak that Nagisa made, and grinned widely like Koro-Sensei.

"Well, to my house we go then!" Their laughed echoed throught the streets, as their smiled illuminated passerby's days.

This day couldn't be better.


In a dark room, a figure could be seen, a phone in their hand, looking at a picture of someone. Their room also had a ton of picture printed on them, with the same person on them, on different angles and with different expressions.

The figure panted and was sweating. A weird flicking noise could be heard, as well as... Something wet?

"Aaahh~" they moaned. "Nagisa... Nagisa... My Nagisa... I'll make you mine I promise..." Their figure froze as they trembled and seemed to reach heaven.

They screamed "NagIsaA~♡" before slumping down on their bed, panting.

Their eyes grew cold as they made a tsk noise. They snarled "The only problem is Karma... The balls sucker. How can I remove him..?"

They closed their eyes before snapping them open, their eyes shining with glee and... Bloodlust. "I know!" They exclaimed. "I'll just have to kill him!" They said, as if everything was just so obvious.

They giggled once again, "Nagisa... Don't worry, we will be united. I love you~ Haha... HahaHa... HahaHaAhHahAhHaHa!"

Their giggles transformed into pure hysterical laugh, and their eyes grew wider as insanity ate their soul away.


ThIs dAy CoUlDn'T bE BeTtEr.

(A/N: Don't worry, I'm also disgusted by myself for writing this. The original scene wasn't like this. So why did I make this? I don't know.)

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