12 Roses

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Carter Song

Ch. 1

I didn't want to move. Not here. Don't get me wrong, I love the beach.... But... It's just... I don't know anyone. I miss my friends.

"Mom? I'm going to the boardwalk." I said.

"Ok.... Well.... Be careful. There's strange people."

"I'll be fine." I said. My long brown beach waves fell down to my waste. I walked down the beach and saw a volleyball game going on. I stopped to watch. A group of girls ran over.

"Hey! We haven't seen you around! Wanna hang out with us?" They asked. They seem like the 'popular' girls. I guess what I want most is to make a ton of friends.

"Sure." I said. They were all in bikinis of course. I was wearing a shirt that ended right above my belly button, a blue jean shorts. They were screaming and and yelling for a guy name Zac, who was on one of the volleyball teams. He seemed like your typical beach boy. The sun bleached hair, the perfect tan, the perfect most hottest body, I wonder who his girlfriend is... The girls looked at me.

"I'm Lacy, and this is Brenda, Brittany, and Alexis." Again, they were all your stereotypical beach girls. The perfect body, perfect tan, perfect hair... Alexis and Brenda were a bit more tan than Brittany and Lacy. Lacy and Brittany had long blonde hair. It wasn't exactly sun bleached, but it was blonde. Alexis has long straight brown hair. And Brenda had short red hair, that had a really nice wave to it. Brenda and Lacy had belly button pierces. To be honest... I'd never want one of those. I don't find sticking sharp things through your stomach attractive in any way what so ever. But they somehow pulled it off.

"I'm Carter."

"You see that boy that we're cheering for? That's Zac. Every girl on the beach loves him. Luckily, I'm the lucky one that gets him." Said Brittany, "I mean, we're a match from heaven. We look perfect with each other, and he LOVES me."

"That's cool. But... Uh... What's so great about him?" Everyone turned to me and gasped. Even the volleyball game stopped. This place is weird.... I continued,

"I mean uh... He's super hot... But uh... what is he really like? I mean... Liking someone doesn't revolve around looks. I mean sure, you and Jack-"

"Zac." Brittany corrected me.

"Thank you. As I was saying, yea you and Zac look like and match made from heaven... But.... That's only the look. For all we know you guys could fight every day. And only be together because you guys look good together."

"What do you know? You're the new girl here! You don't know anything. And messing with me like that? Is really gonna hurt you." Said Brittany. Ahhhhhh. So she must be the queen bee. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm out of here." I said. I walked down the boardwalk. I looked at clothes and things. Then, I saw a surf board. It was pink. It was perfect for me. Every summer I came to the beach and surfed with a rental.... But now that I live here... I might as well buy one.

"How much?" I asked.

"$120." My parents gave me $5000 just for me to agree to move. They said I could buy whatever I want here, if I dropped the snobby attitude about moving. I went into my purse and paid the money. I ran home.

"Mom! Look!" I showed her my surfboard.

"You bought a surf board?" She said in awe looking at it.

"Yea! Every summer when we came to the beach I rented one, now that we moved here, I thought I'd buy one for myself."

"Good. You are a fantastic surfer. I know you'll enjoy this. And I also know you love it here. Have you made any friends?"

"Yea... But I kinda insulted the guy they're all in love with and so now they hate me."

"I'm sorry. You'll make some soon. I know it." I nodded. I went into my room. I got into my bikini. I put on some bathing suit shorts so I didn't look awkward while surfing. I slipped on some flip flops and ran outside to the beach. I passed the volley ball game, and received multiple glares. I just rolled my eyes and stomped away to the water.

"Look it's the loser! Carter!!" Shouted Brittany.

"Look! It's the bitch, Brittany!" I yelled back. I smirked. She looked so offended and it was perfect. She deserved it. Everyone 'oood' and stuff. How obnoxious. I got on my surf board and paddled out to the big waves. I found a perfect one. I stood up on my board and surfed. And it felt amazing. I did a couple of tricks.

Brittany Jacobs

That's little.... No. Brittany calm down. You're better than her. Then, I noticed the whole volleyball game stopped. Zac looked in awe. I turned around and saw Carter surfing a giant wave! She was riding it perfectly, doing tricks and stuff. It was crazy! I hate the girl... But I must admit, she has talent. Everyone 'ood' and 'ahhd' at Carter. People began to chant, Carter! Carter! Carter! My friends and I awkwardly stood there. But then, Alexis and Brenda began chanting.

"Girls! Stop!" I said. They looked at me.

"Brittany, she called you a bitch because you called her a loser. She had every right to. And what she said before about Zac? Yea. It was wrong. But she's new here. Why would you expect her to understand?" Said Brenda.

"Yea... And she's an awesome surfer!" Said Alexis, "I mean, look! Everyone's cheering her on!"

"If you girls are my friends, you'd start thinking normally and stop cheering for her." I said through gritted teeth.

"Brittany, you're not the boss of us anymore." Said Brenda. I glared. They walked away to two really cute boys and the volley ball team and began cheering with them. Zac ran over to me.

"Isn't Carter fantastic?" He said, "I mean, where did she learn that technique? It's perfect!"

"Zac. Don't you remember everything she said about you? About us?" I said crossing my arms.

"Well... Yea... But... That's a matter of opinion. It doesn't matter. You're blowing it way out of proportion. You've gotta learn to go with the flow, and to stop making enemies."

"She bought this upon herself!" I screamed. Zac rolled his eyes.

"Brittany, take a chill pill." Said Zac.

"How am I supposed to take a chill pill when the guy I love actually thinks that my enemy is a good surfer?!"

"Everyone does...."


"Brittany... Part of what she said before was true. We look like the perfect couple, but we're far from it. You boss me around, you scream, you whine, and you think everything revolves around you. News flash babe, it doesn't."

"How dare you say that! I've been your girlfriend for almost two years!"

"You haven't been acting like one!" I noticed everyone was staring.

"Babe, people are staring. Lets just drop the situation, and move on with life ok?"

"No! Not ok! I don't like you! I dated you because you were hot! But you, on the inside, is just plain ugly. We're done!" Tears came to my eyes.

"You can't do this to me! I love you!" I said throwing my arms around Zac.

"Damn it Brittany! No you don't! You never did! I'm just your way of making you popular!"

"That's not true! I love you with all my heart! I can't live with out you!" He pushed me off of him.

"I have a game to be apart of." I watched him walk back to the volleyball court and began to play. He took one last look at me. I glared. This was Carter's fault. And she will pay.

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