Ch. 3

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Zac Blake

I couldn't believe that I was nearly killed. I looked out at the ocean. I love it, but it can be so dangerous. If I was surfing by myself, I probably would've been dead.

"Zac!!" I turned around. Brittany.... great.

"Zac!!" she yelled again.

"I- I was walking towards the beach and I saw you wipe out and on my God thank goodness you're okay!" She said hugging me.

"Brittany, leave me alone. We broke up, remember?" I said.

"But who said we can't be friends?"

"Brittany... No offense but you're sorta a bitch."

"But I can change! Just give me another chance! I'll be your perfect girlfriend!"

"Brittany please. Leave me alone."

"You will pay." She said grabbing her board and running home.

"Hey!" I turned around and saw a girl.

"Uh... Hello." I said. She was pretty. She had a really nice tan. She had pretty blonde hair. Not too long, not too short.

"I saw you wipe out! It was a good thing that girl saved you. She's a pretty good surfer... Who is she?"

"Carter. Carter Song. She's new here. She normally only comes to the beach during the summer and rents a board. She's self taught. She's a natural. No one really knows how she got so good.... Is like a mystery." I said.

"Hmmm.... Maybe I'll be able to beat her out." Said the girl. She grabbed her board and began to surf. And she was GOOD. Who was this girl? When she came back, she asked,

"How was that? Sorry... It wasn't that good I mean I haven't warmed up yet..."

"That was FANTASTIC!! What's you're name?"

"Addison, Addison Montgomery."

"Wow. You're just so good! Oh and by the way, I'm Zac Blake."

"Well duh. Everyone knows you." I laughed.

"Yea... Uh... I probably better get going. Nice talking to you." I said.

"No wait! Uh... Here's my number. Text me! We can surf some time." She said smiling. I smiled.

"Ok." I put her number into my phone.

"Catch ya later." I said.

"Bye." She smiled. She was an amazing surfer! And crazy hot. Maybe I'll ask her out some day. I went home to my irritating family.

"Hello Zac, how was surfing with Carter?" Asked my mom.

"Oh pretty good other than the fact that I ALMOST DIED!!" I said.

"What?! What happened?! Are you okay?!" Said my mom.

"I would've probably been dead if Carter hasn't saved me."

"My goodness! Thank God she was there! We should invite her over for dinner. I'd love to meet her. Besides, it's the least I could do for her saving you."

"Uhhhh I don't think that's a good idea.."



"Oh.... Right. Well... Maybe some other day. So other than that what happened?"

"Oh well I met this awesome girl..."

"Oh really? What's her name?"

"Addison Montgomery. She's so hot! She's an amazing surfer! And that smile..."

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