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The time elapsed slowly according to the tiny digital clock that was placed on the television stand. I was currently sprawled across the couch in my living room, phone in hand as I awaited the call from headquarters.

The room was somewhat quiet besides the quiet murmurs that came from outside my small apartment. It was also relatively dark, the only source of light being the television that was playing on mute.

My eyes were drooping and I was growing tired as the minutes passed. Although it was only after ten, I was extremely exhausted since work has been overbearing these last few days.

My cell phone vibrating feverishly in my hand makes me jump a bit. Checking the caller ID, my lips tug upwards once I saw that it read 'work'. Tapping the green button, I put the device to my ear.

"Sullivan," I snapped, eager to hear the 'important' news.

"Detective Sullivan, this is Melissa," the voice of my best friend and partner, Melissa Duncan, said on the other line.

"I could tell, what's up? What did they need to tell me?"

"I hate having to do this," Melissa mutters to herself, "But the company is moving you to New York to work in the NYCSIU. Apparently, they need workers over there and you're the first detective to pop into their heads,"

"What the hell? I can't move to New York! What about my family?" I complained, sounding more like a child than a twenty four year old woman.

"It's not like you live with them anyway," Melissa reminded, "Besides, I overheard that the job pays more and the work is far more interesting than the shit we have here," she spilled.

"Wait, do I have any say in this?" I asked once I finally realized that Melissa didn't mention anything about me having a choice.

"Nope, Captain already sent your credentials and they liked you so they want you."

I sighed, because who says I even wanted to work, much less live, in such a place as New York? I've heard about that place, and it gives me the shivers every time I think about it.

"They're giving you two months to move." With that, the line went dead.

I sighed again and tossed my phone aside. Guess I'm moving to New York.


Two months later, I'm standing in front of my new apartment, handing over cash to the moving guy.

Grabbing the last box from the truck, I thanked the man one last time and headed into my apartment.

The place was nice to say the least. It appeared to be a bit old-fashioned with the carpeted floors, but it was still good.

I continued to walk through the apartment, opening and closing the doors to see what each individual one was. There was a bathroom and also an empty room which had a wide window, displaying the perfect view of New York City. Exiting the room, I decide to enter the last door which just so happens to be the bedroom.

A smile graces my face as I look around the bedroom. It was your regular bedroom, nothing special with a twin bed laid in the middle, a night stand and a closet. The walls were plain white and the floors had the same musky carpet as the rest of the apartment.

Loud knocks on the door to my apartment frightens me. I place the box on the floor beside the closet before hurrying out of the room.

When I arrived in the front of the apartment, I open the front door to be greeted with a young man around my age or older, standing outside.

"Hello, I'm Robyn, I live in the building next door and I saw you moving in so I just came over to welcome you to the city," The man, whom I learned as Robyn, explained.

"It's nice to meet you Robyn. I'm Primrose Sullivan, and thank you." I introduced myself to the stranger, and invited him in.

"This place still looks good considering the fact that no one lived here in such a long time." Robyn comments absently.

"What do you mean?" I ask him, raising an eyebrow.

"Haven't you heard? Some dude died in this apartment about five years ago. The case went cold, and no one moved in ever since."


Author Note:

It's about time I updated this. Haha.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2014 ⏰

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