Torey loved Devin she just didnt love his cheating or manipulative ways.
"If you want that ring and last name you have to work for it or another girl will take your place" Torey's mother said.
"This is your job as an Nba girlfriend, your life is no...
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When i got home i quickly started packing. I knew it would only be a matter of time before Devin got to the house and tried to stop me.
After packing two duffle bags i called Dylan to come and get me. I would just have to get the rest of my stuff another time.
"Torey!" Devin shouted.
Shit! he got here faster than i thought. I grab my duffle bags and head to the living room.
He frowns when he sees the two bags in my hand. " What are you doing?" he said.
"im leaving. im tired of your shit Devin! i try my hardest to be the perfect girlfriend but that doesn't seem to be enough for you" i said Angrily.
Devin sighed." I realize i might've been overreacting. and im sorry for that but you provoked me wearing that slutty bathing suit" he said.
"It's what your damn stylist gave me! its not like i picked it out. plus i told you I didn't want to do the stupid photoshoot, but as usual Devin has to get his way" i said.
"Torey just put your stuff down and lets talk" he said moving closer.
I stepped back and shook my head. " No Devin today was the last straw. I think we need a break" i said sadly.
"A break? Okay Torey i realize your upset with me but your taking things too far now. we dont need no damn break" Devin said.
"Maybe you don't but i do. im tired of killing myself to please you. I shouldn't have to work this hard to prove that I love you. I just need to take a few steps back to reevaluate some things" i said.
"Where are you gonna go?" he asked.
"I'll stay with Dylan for now" i said.
"Fuck that shit! your not living with that asshole" Devin said angrily.
"It's not up to you. I need to get away from you and this relationship" i said.
Devin stormed over to me and snatched my bags out my hand." your not leaving Torey. what will your mother say if she hears you dumped me. she'll definitely disown you for sure" he said.
"Are you really trying to use my parents against me? your just making this more easy for me" i said.
"Torey i dont want us to break up. Whatever it is that needs to be fixed ill do it" he pleaded.
I remain silent as i avoid his gaze. " Fine! if you wanna leave then leave but everything that you own stays here. i brought all this shit so it stays with me" he said angrily.
"You know what fine. keep it! i dont need shit from you" i said storming past him.
Later on that night...
"We'll go to the mall tomorrow and buy a whole new wardrobe" Dylan said.
"You really don't have to do that Dylan" i said.
Dylan smirked." Torey shut up. I have the money and the resources to do it so I'm gonna do it" he said.
I smile and lay my head in his lap. "Thanks. I love you" i said.
" I love you too punk" Dylan said.
Devin' s pov
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I cursed under my breath when i got Torey's voicemail for the tenth time. I can't believe she was really serious about leaving me.
I knew I could be a asshole but Torey was just being a straight up bitch. "To dev man i got your text what happened?" Tyler said walking in my house.
Tyler has a spare key so i wasnt surprised that he let himself in. "Torey broke up with me" i said.
"Well I cant say im surprised you did embarrass her in front of the whole team" he said.
"I wasn't trying to embarrass her i just didnt like what she had on " I explain.
"Devin you my boy and all but there were a million different ways you could've approached that situation" Tyler said.
I shake my head as i run my hands down my face." I need to get my mind off this. call up the boys we're going to the club tonight" i said.
"Dev i dont think you should be partying right now" Tyler said.
"Its better then sitting around and moping over Torey" i said walking to my room.
Torey leaving affected me way more then i let on. I felt like a piece of me was missing. Maybe this is my karma for all the wrong ive done to her.
I looked around at all of Torey's stuff and sighed. I have to figure out a way to get her back.
But for now i would give her space, give her some time to miss me.