Finding Myself Again

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Torey's pov

 The next Morning

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The next Morning...

" How are you feeling?" Dylan asked handing me a cup of coffee.      

I sigh as I grab the cup out his hand. " Miserable"  I mumble. Today was day one of my break up and I was going though it. The worst part about all of this is the fact that devin hasn't even called to check on me.

Dylan sighs. " Trust me torey you made the right call. Devin is a selfish prick and that will never change" He said.

"I know, I just thought he would at least call to check on me " I said sadly.

Before Dylan could respond my phone rang, it was my mom.  I already had a feeling of why she was calling me.

I take a deep breath before answering. " Hello?" I say calmly.

"Torey! What the hell did you do?! Devin called me this morning and told me you walked out on him! Why would you do that?!" My mother yelled.

I roll my eyes before answering. " Me and Devin are through mom. He treats me like crap and i'm fed up with it" I explain.

There was a pause before my mom spoke. " well you must've did something wrong. Men don't treat women like crap for no reason.  You weren't handling your duties as a woman so this is the end result" she said.

I pull the phone away from my ear and scrunch my face up. did my own mother really just say that?

" mom you can't be serious right now?! Your saying it's my fault?!" I say getting loud.

"Lower your tone Little girl! Now you need to put on your grown woman panties and go make up with Devin"  she said.

"You know what Devin can kiss my ass and so can you! Good bye!" I said hanging up.

" you good?" Dylan said grabbing my hand. I shake my head in anger and pull my hand away.

" My mother is so far up Devin's ass she doesn't even care about my feelings or what I'm going through. She basically told me to suck it up and forgive him" I said angrily.

Dylan shook his head and grabbed my hand again, this time more firmly. " Your mother has always been a piece of work, don't let it get you. Im sure your dad is on your side just like me" he said smiling.

I can't help but to smile back, Dylan's smile is contagious. " I think I'll take you up on your shopping spree offer. Maybe some retail therapy is just what I need" I told him.

Dylan smiled and pulled me up. " let's go then"


Devin's POV

I stared at my phone willing it to ring, I would've thought by now Torey would've came to her senses but I guess not

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I stared at my phone willing it to ring, I would've thought by now Torey would've came to her senses but I guess not.

"You can stop looking at your phone it ain't gonna ring" Tyler said shaking his head.

" I don't believe I asked for your input" I said clearly irritated.

Tyler smirked. " Don't get  salty with me because your karma is finally starting to catch up to your ass" he said.

I roll my eyes. I knew he was right but I just didn't feel like hearing I told you so right now. It's only been a few hours since me and torey have been broken up and I was hating every moment of it.

" come on bro we didn't come to the mall for you to sulk. Let's do what we came here for, sign a couple of autographs and buy some new kicks" Tyler said patting my back.

In the mall...

As giggly and excited fans surrounded me I couldn't help but feel distracted. Torey was heavy on my mind and I just couldn't shake the thought of her.

"Omg Dylan I don't need anything Gucci regular clothing is fine" a voice said. I snapped my head in the direction it came from and saw Torey all boo'd up with that Dylan nigga.

Rage and anger boiled inside me. Here I was feeling like shit over our break up and here she was with the next dude like we wasn't just in a whole relationship together.

Without thinking I made my way over to them. I could faintly hear Tyler behind me calling my name but I didn't stop.

"So this what we do now?" I said loudly. Torey turned and looked in my direction. Here eyes grew wide in surprise.

"Devin? What are you doing here?" She said nervously.

" I could ask you the same thing. I see you wasted no time hopping on the next dick"I said glaring at Dylan.

" yo don't talk to her like that" Dylan said angrily. Torey grabbed his arm and pulled him back slightly.

" it's ok Dylan I can handle this. Do you mind giving us a few minutes?" She asked him.

" I can't just leave you with him" he said.

" it won't be long. Please" she begged. Dylan hesitated for a few seconds before nodding his head slightly.

" I'll be by the food court, call me if you need me" he said kissing her cheek. He gave me one last dirty look and walked off.

" wow Torey you really have no class. We literally just broke up yesterday and your already fucking another guy" I said angrily.

Torey rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. She always looked so sexy when she was mad...
" Dylan is just my friend there's nothing going on between us and second last time I checked you could care less about me, seeing as I haven't heard from you since last night" she said.

I rub the back of my neck and sigh. " I was just giving you space. Giving you time to miss me" I admit.

Torey snorted. " the last thing i'm doing is missing you. yes i'm a little hurt by the fact you didnt' check up on me but i meant what i said about being done with you" she said.

i suck my teeth in aggravation. " ok torey you proved your point, i'm sorry for yelling at you. i should've handled the situation a little better. now can you please come back home?" i said.

" no Devin! get it through your big ass head we're through. you can keep all my shit since you did buy all of it. the only thing i want back is my laptop and ill be coming to get that sometime during the week" she said.

I chuckle as i try to control my anger. " do you know how many girls would kill to be in your position? and your just gonna throw it away because of a dumb ass argument.  im your ticket to a better life you think school is gonna do that for you? ha! " i said amused. on the outside i might've seem cocky and unbothered but on the inside i was hurting.

Torey shook her head. " your making this so much easier' she said. Before i could reply back she walked off leaving me standing there with a broken heart.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2018 ⏰

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