It's all about Devin

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Torey's pov (Age 20)

"Babe dont forget, my game is at 9

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"Babe dont forget, my game is at 9. i need you there" Devin said grabbing his gym bag.

I sigh as i continue to make his protein shake. " I know devin, I'll try to be there on time. you know i have class today" i said.

"Dont try just do" He said kissing my lips.

Before i could utter another word he grabbed the protein shake out my hand and left out.

"Your welcome" i mumble.


"Torey are you coming to study hall?" My friend Dylan asked.

"No i have to hurry to Devin's game im already late" i said looking at my phone.

I had a few notifications from my parents and one from devin.

Mom- Where r u?! the game already started. Devin is highly upset. you know how important these games are😒

Devin💢- Where r u?

Dad- Let me know your ok pumpkin

At least my dad wasn't breathing down my neck, he was the laid back one between him and my mom.

I quickly text them back letting them know im on my way.

"I have to go but ill see you next week dylan" i said rushing out the door.

At the stadium....

By the time i got to the stadium it was already half time. When i spot my parents sitting in the front i take a deep breath before walking over.

"Finally torey! what took you so long it's already half time" My mother scolded.

"I had class" i said.

My mother rolled her eyes." i dont know why your still enrolled in school you have devin your set for life" she said.

"Mom me and Devin aren't married so there's no guarantee im set for life. alot of things can happen in the future" i said.

She rolled her eyes." if you stay on top of your game you'll be getting a ring soon" she said.

I suck my teeth as i sit down. "Maxine leave that girl alone. i think its great she wants to go to school to better herself" Dad said.

I smile gratefully at my father. " You spoil that girl too much" Mom said.

"Oh hush" dad said waving her off.

Before my mother could protest the game started again.


"You were wonderful Devin" My mother beamed. I mentally roll my eyes, she was so extra sometimes.

Devin smiled." Thanks miss carter. im glad you could make it" He said.

"Of course dear. well we have to get going but i want you and torey over for dinner soon" She said.

"of course and thanks again for coming" Devin said.

After saying his goodbyes to my parents devin glanced at me before making his way to the shower room.

I sigh. i know that look all too well, hes upset. "You better fix it" My mother whispered.

I remain silent as i watch them walk away.

1 hour later....

"So are you gonna say anything?" I said once we got home.

Devin shrugged." There's nothing to say, i gave you simple instructions that you couldn't even follow " he said.

"Excue me? first off im not a damn dog. and second you know i go to school at night so i dont even know why you tripping" i said.

"Im not saying your a dog im just saying your my girl so i should have your support. Im in the NBA you know the stuff that comes with dating a ball player" He said.

"I know that Devin but i have a life outside of you too" i said.

Devin sucked his teeth as he walked to his closet. "What are you doing?" i said.

Devin pulled out some clothes and looked at me." Having a life outside of you" he said walking past me.


Devin's pov

"Man its so many fine girls in here" i said looking around

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"Man its so many fine girls in here" i said looking around.

Jordan gave me the side eye as he sipped on his drink. "Dont even think about it book, you got a good girl at home waiting on you" He said.

I roll my eyes as i think about torey." She's been getting on my last nerve" i said.

Jordan laughed." What happened now?" he said.

"She came mad late to my game. she knows how important it is for me to have her there" i explain.

Jordan waved me off." man shut up you sound like a spoiled brat sounds to me like your just use to torey giving you your way. that girl does everything for you cut her some slack" He said.

Deep down i knew he was right but i didnt want to admit it. Torey was a one of a kind girl, she cooked, cleaned, gave bomb ass sex, could dress and so much more.

"Man whatever i came out to have some fun, not talk about my girl" i said making eye contact with a few females.

My night was just getting started...

3 am....

Finally around 3 in the morning i made it home. i quickly jumped in the shower to wash the smell of perfume and sex off of me. I didn't need torey going off on me.

20 minutes later i slid into bed with torey and wrapped her in my arms.

"Get off of me" She mumbled.

"I thought you would be sleep by now" i said tiredly.

"And i thought you would be home earlier" She shot back.

I sigh." Torey i- just save it i dont want to hear it. go sleep in the guest room" she said cutting me off.

I scoff." This is My house im not going anywhere. i pay all the bills in here so ill sleep where i please" i said.

Torey shook her head and climbed out of the bed. She grabbed a pillow and made her way out the room.

I suck my teeth as i cover my eyes with my arm, She was such a big baby. I was too tired to move so i laid there dozing off.

"She'll get over it"

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First chapter is up!

its a new story im working on! Tell me what you guys think!

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