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When I was almost seventeen my parents died in an accident with werewolves. Our close friend Emily Bennett decided she never wanted me to die so she created a spell that will make me immortal just without the bloodlust and with a heart beat. Sadly we had to part ways in 1298 but after she did the spell. The ancestors were looking for her to help and she wanted no part in it. But later in 1298 she met Klaus Mikealson and his siblings minus Finn considering he was daggered. In 1299 there was a werewolf attack that nearly killed her but Klaus changed her before that could happen. Kol immediately took a liking towards her but he didn't like her relationship with Klaus and Elijah. He left to go and hunt more people because Klaus didn't like the way he looked at Vanessa and confronted him about it. So naturally he went on a killing spree. But Klaus daggered him before it could draw attention to their whereabouts for Mikeal to find them.
*I was sitting in my bed in my quarters when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in" I replied
Nik walked in and softly smiled at me I was his Best Friend. He sat down and was silent for a few minutes. When he looked at me his eyes screamed worried. "Nik, what is the matter?" I said.
"Mikeal is getting close to our whereabouts thanks to my idiotic excuse of a brother Kol. We need to move again and since you weren't here the last time this happened we all want you to come with us especially me. I need to know my best friend is safe at all times" he said annoyed at first but then it changed to the saddest look and tone I've ever seen and heard.
"Nik. I love you all so much....."
"But..." he said. Knowing what was coming.
"I cannot come. I know you will worry as will I but you cannot stay here and I would like to travel. I cannot ask you to remain behind for me, you will go with your siblings and make sure that you all are safe. I will write if I am okay as will you. You will move somewhere safe. And know that I am always here for you." I said truthfully.
"I will stay with you wherever you travel. I-" I cut him off before he could finish.
" You will do no such thing. You will stay with your siblings Always and Forever." I scolded.
He knew he wasn't going to win the argument so he agreed.
" On a few conditions. 1)We always stay in touch. I can't bear the thought of not knowing if Mikeal got to you or not. Or if you di-"he changed his sentence mid-word. "....if something happened to you. 2) We make a pact. We stay Best Friends Always and Forever." He took my hand and I agreed "Always and Forever Klaus Mikealson" "Always and Forever Vanessa Marie"
Several days later they were packed up ready to leave. I walked in to the room to loud sobs and a bone-crushing hug. I quickly noticed it was Rebekah. "Hey,hey,hey it's okay,shh,shh,shhhhh"
" Why can't you just come with us, your my sister I never had. I love you too much to leave you." She said and it broke my heart.
"Beks, it's okay. We'll write like I told Nik. You all are sticking together Always and Forever. I promise I will visit and see you and if your in the same area I will make sure I stay with you until you need to leave again."
"Promise,swear,cross my heart hope to die...anything way you can think of."
"I love you"
"I love too Beks"
She let go gave me a small smile kissed my cheek, and stepped away to go get her coat. Elijah came up and just hugged like he never wanted to let me leave his sight. I had a close relationship with all siblings except Finn of course  They were my second family. I heard sniffling in my ear. I pulled back to see Elijah silently crying. I immediately hugged him again.
"I never thought I'd see the day Elijah Mikealson cried over a girl." I joked trying to lighted the mood.
He started laughing at me.
"I'm really gonna miss you. You better visit or I'm gonna be pissed."
"Don't worry I will. I could never leave my second family behind for long."
He looked at me took my hand and kissed it. "I love you Vanessa. Don't stay away for long or I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth and my siblings will join me." "Too true" I heard Nik mutter.
"Oh I know you will. And I love you too Eli. Be safe and don't piss off Nik you know how he gets" I whispered the last part so only he could hear. He chuckled "Of course. I will miss you. I wish you happiness. Goodbye Vanessa Marie"
"Thank you, I shall miss you as well and wish you luck and happiness. Goodbye Elijah Mikealson." We hugged one last time. He kissed my forehead and went outside. Last but not least Klaus was standing in the gardens with a sad expression. I carefully walked over. "Nik...." He turned around and looked at me as soon as he did his eyes filled with tears. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He hugged me very tightly. It was a good thing I didn't need to breathe. I would've been dead from lack of oxygen. I tried to pull back but that didn't work so I shocked him. He yelped and pulled back. With a sort of pained look. "Sorry I couldn't breathe and I need air to actually talk. He nodded. "Nik I'm gonna miss you most. Your the best brother and friend  I've ever had. I don't know what I would do without you." He looked as if he was about to cry again but started talking anyway. "I'm gonna miss you. Your my best friend and my favorite sister." Which earned a response from Rebekah who huffed in slight annoyance and Elijah who let out an amused chuckle. "You better come back to me and stay out of trouble and keep in touch or if anyone hurts you or even talks to you rudely I will rip them to shreds." "Does that mean you'll rip yourself apart because I don't want that to happen" Everyone started laughing. "I'm serious you better come back" "I will. Always and Forever." "Always and Forever" "I love you" I said and hugged him. "I love you too" We pulled away and I called. "One last family group hug. Rebekah immediately rammed into me. As did Elijah following closely behind. We all said "Always and Forever" and went our separate ways.

What did you guys think about this Chapter? I know it's long and sappy but it showed that she has a very close relationship with them and a Klaus that very rarely is shown. Read next chapter for the Salvatore introductions. Thank you for your support.

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