Things Change

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My life was perfect. I had an amazing boyfriend who loved me. My best friend and 'siblings' were there all the time it's been like this for 25 years. I bet your all wondering why we haven't got married. Well we decided we didn't need to get married our love was enough. One day Elijah came back from being gone for three years. I was so excited to see him. When he entered the door I screamed "ELI!!!!!" He had a smile on his face and I hugged him. Considering Kol and Nik got into a fight because Kol went on a killing spree and killed a whole town. So it was just me and Rebekah to greet him. "It's so nice to see you all again. Speaking of which where is Niklaus and Kol?" "They got into a fight. So Kol's pissed off at Klaus and Klaus is pissed off at Kol." "So where are they?" He asked disappointed. "Kol is drinking in the parlor. Klaus went to eat." I said worried. "Don't worry I'll talk to them." He said palm rests against my cheek. I nodded with tears in my eyes. He kissed my head and walked towards Kol. "Well I'm going to my room." I told Bekah. She nodded and went to go find Niklaus. I was lying down listening to Elijah talk to Kol. I was about to stop because it was rude but stopped when I heard my name "What about Vanessa, Kol?" "What about her?" Kol snapped. "She is worried sick about you. You have not talked to her in days she said. Don't you care about her and her feelings? If you love her than I suggest you apologize for your behavior?" Kol scoffed and probably rolled his eyes. "As a matter of fact I don't care. I don't think I have loved her in years. She is just another toy until I find someone better. She was just a good lay after 10 years. I loved her when we got together. But I've lost interest." Kol how could you say-" "That? Because it's the truth. I don't even know why I'm still with her. It would be better if she was dead." I stopped listening and started crying. I gathered my belongings and wrote a note to Kol.
      Dear Kol,
I'm sorry you feel that way, considering I'm better off dead. I guess I never should have admitted my feelings if I knew things were gonna turn out this way. I hope you rot in hell. Don't ever look for me or talk to me again. I never want to see you again. I hate you Kol Mikealson.
The paper was tear stained and I left the rings that Kol would give me every time people started wearing the previous one. They were all engagement rings even though we weren't engaged or married. And with that I tried to leave but once I got outside of town I ran into Mikeal the Original Vampire Hunter. Oh shit I'm screwed. "Hello you must be Vanessa my sons Girlfriend." "No I'm done. With him and with that entire family." He looked amused. "Aww well. If you don't like them maybe you can help me. " I must've looked scared because of what he said next. "It's okay I won't hurt you. Don't be scared." "But if I help you, you'll kill me." "Not if you help me." He said menacingly. He grabbed my throat not tight enough to where I couldn't talk but tight so I wouldn't have gotten loose even though I could easily if I wanted. I decided to talk anyway. "Nik isn't home. Kol and Elijah are at home and Rebekah is looking for Niklaus. They haven't been gone long." " Thank you" His grip tightened and I looked at him and said "Pain" he screamed withering in agony. But I lost concentration because of the sword in my chest that is scraping against my stone cold heart. Even though I'm practically a solid rock daggers and swords kill us. I fell to the ground and heard Mikeal get up. "She's as good as dead. So much for the most powerful vampire in the world." He left and I heard screaming. I was there for a couple of hours. Until I felt someone yank the sword out of my chest and feed me blood. I looked up to see Niklaus with worry and relief. " Oh Thank God! I thought Mikeal killed you. I ran into my siblings and they saw Mikeal and said you left. I was worried about you. Kol seemed to have been upset because he said something about you and didn't mean it and Elijah said you heard,left a note and left and didn't know where you were and said we won't be here when she comes back. Unless Mikeal got you and they didn't want to risk it." "It's Kols' fault. I hate him and your siblings. You seem to be the only one ever cared." I said with tears. He comforted me. I hadn't even realized I wasn't on the ground but in a room. "Nik. Where are we?" " Vancouver. I saw you and grabbed you and ran as far as I could away from there. When we got here I pulled the sword out. Fed you blood and then you woke up." "Thank you" " Don't mention it. I'd do anything for my best friend." I hugged him.
We stayed together for a little while but then I left and he went to find his siblings and kill them because they left me.
Two years later
I was walking in London when I came across something unusual. A man with Blonde Hair was treating a human that had a head wound and was seriously bleeding I had to hold my breath. He told the man to go home and get msome rest. When he turned around he seemed surprised to see me. "Who are you?" "Carlisle Cullen. And you?" "Vanessa Marie".

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