The Redcoats are Coming

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Paul felt awful about this whole situation. They just might be falling to their deaths and yet here he is with a pissed off nine hundred plus year old vampire that just happens to be his imprint. Vanessa seems to not be doing any better. Here she was going up against her best friends and his family, her close friends and family, even her own brother who she hadn't seen in forever it seemed like, and she should be spending as much time with her imprintee but no she had to be a stubborn ass. She had along with everyone else was decked out in black. She found it kind of ironic how they were all dressed as if they were going to a funeral. Their funeral to be more precise. She opted to choose a black leather jacket that was zipped up, a black cold shoulder long sleeve turtle neck, black skinny jeans, and heeled combat boots. She put her hair in a curly ponytail with pieces framing her face making her look all the more elegant.

We took our place, Renesmee climbing agilely onto Bella's back to leave her hands free

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We took our place, Renesmee climbing agilely onto Bella's back to leave her hands free. The front line made up by Carlisle, Vanessa, Edward, Emmett, Rosalie, Tanya, Kate, and Eleazar. Close behind were Bella, Benjamin and Zafrina; it was Bella's job to protect them as long as she was able; Vanessa could've done that but since Aro already knows everything being around them for almost a thousand years she was gonna stand her ground. We were the best offensive weapons as well as I. If the Volturi were the ones who could not see, even for a few moments, that would change everything.
Zafrina was rigid and fierce, with Senna almost a mirror image at her side. Benjamin sat on the ground, his palms pressed to the dirt, and muttered quietly about fault lines. Last night, he'd strewn piles of boulders in natural-looking, now snow-covered heaps all along the back of the meadow. They weren't enough to injure a vampire, but hopefully enough to distract one.
The witnesses clustered to our left and right, some nearer than others—those who had declared themselves were the closest. I noticed Siobhan rubbing her temples, her eyes closed in concentration; as bad as the situation is Vanessa found herself finding hunour in it. Was she humoring Carlisles words?
In the woods behind us, the invisible wolves were still and ready; we could only hear their heavy panting, their beating hearts. The clouds rolled in, diffusing the light so that it could have been morning or afternoon. Vanessa looked at Edward noticing in we peripheral vision as his eyes tightened as he scrutinized the view, and she was sure he was seeing this exact scene for the second time—the first time being Alice's vision. It would look just the same when the Volturi arrived. We only had minutes or seconds left now.
All our family and allies braced themselves.
From the forest, the huge russet Alpha wolf came forward to stand at Bellas side; it must have been too hard for him to keep his distance from Renesmee when she was in such immediate danger.
I knew Renesmee had reached out to twine her fingers in the fur over his massive shoulder, and her body relaxed a little bit. She was calmer with Jacob close. I smiled slightly at the scene as I heard her exhale of relief behind me. As long Jacob was with Renesmee, she would be all right. I was listening very closely.
And then Edward and I stiffened and hissed low between our clenched teeth in unison. Our eyes focused on the forest due north of where we stood.
We stared and waited as the last seconds came.

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