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"how would you like to finally feel paradise?"

my legs hung over the side of the metal seat and i let my brown hair fall back into the creases of the cold slated metal table. 

"what're you doing?" jin pushed my shoulder, "you look weird and you're worrying namjoon."

i look over in wide eyes to my side where namjoon thigh was touching mines. his head was curled up in his lap peacefully, he looked like a baby sleeping. 

i groaned and hit jin's shoulder harshly, "totally not funny!" 

"totally not cool to say 'totally anymore in this age." miracle commented, smiling brightly at whatever. 

"whatever jin, i was totally in deep thought, and you ruined it." i wailed, flailing my arms around like a child. 

"are you seriously having a temper trantrum right now?" jin exclaimed, rolling his eyes at me. 


i did not respond, instead i put my head back down on the metal table and sighed looking up at the ceiling. 

outside time should be soon

i did not eat my food, i gave it to yoongi because he has been very hungry lately. 

i don't know why all my days have been like this, all this week.

all this week, i have been deep in thought about numerous things. about when are we going to get out of this place, probably never since it was a place for the criminally insane.   

me being me, i thought after all this time being in this well known asylum, i would have gotten used to it, but i have not. i still miss the taste of being outside, talking to friends and hanging out with family. 

i could not do that all anymore. 

even if i could, i know my family would not accept me back as one of theirs. 

my cousins, aunties and even sisters were in the same courtroom i was in, begging for me to get the death penalty. i do not even want to remember the most heart breaking conversation i had with my mother, how she cursed at me and told me to never come back, how i deserved to be dead for lying and killing. of course i felt hurt, but i thought i had to get used to being shamed for what i did. 

"Okay table by table, it is time to go outside so table 1 please line up." a guard said causally, biting her fingernails as everyone lines up excited like a bunch of kids lining up for ice cream. 

our table was table six, so after a few minutes we got called and all of us dragged put feet to the middle of the line trying to look as not excited as possible. This whole outside thing only happened twice, and of course it was fun but our pride did not want to show any enjoyment so we won't have to be ridiculed for it later. 

soon enough, all the tables had lined up in a wonky side-to-side looking line. chatter filled the whole room, i looked back to see the outline table of  chairs thrown across the room, the people who sat there did not have the decent mind to tuck their chairs into their own tables. i could not frown upon it, i was just as excited to smell the fresh air like everyone else. i sighed and rubbed my hair because the line was very loud and cursing roared across my head savagely because no one cared about what came out their mouth.  when i was just about to close my eyes to take a quick power nap standing up, i felt a gentle, polite tap on my shoulder. 

"you okay there mia?" a ravishing deep voice form behind me cooed in my left ear. 

i looked over to see the devil himself, taehyung. 

i sucked in a breath between my teeth and closed my eyes, "yea i am a little bit sleepy and the guards are taking so long to move the line outside." 

"i see," taehyung hummed puckering up his lips, "well at least talk to someone to keep you awake." 

I let out a small smile, "of course, i am talking to you right? or are you not human?" 

"fuck-," taehyung sighed, running his large hand through his hand, looking distressed, "i have been caught." 

i lightly hit his chest and let out an exhale through my nose, refusing to give him the approval of laughing. 

"is everyone ready to go?" the guard exclaimed, 'the doors are open now" 

with one swift movement of the guards hand she lead us all to the doors that lead to the outside world. people slowly walked to the door, but once they got outside everyone rampaged. 

jumping, screaming, tongues out, dancing, pouncing on each other, and much more. 

the way these people let out their excitement, no wonder why they were named crazy. 

"the fuck?" miracle walked out slowly with a foam cup of juice, "do they think they are in a black metal music video?"

i shrugged my shoulders, miracle was still looking around, her eyes dilating at a quick pace looking at the craziness going around. 

"shaking my fucking head," miracle cursed under her breath, walking away from me, still sipping the juice out the cup. 

i followed her, since i had no where else to go.

she walked to our group, who were watching everyone else with the same facial expression that miracle held a few minutes ago. 

i whined at them, causing their attention, "oh, come on guys, do you not think that this is just a form of art?" 

"no, this is a dance, that in the way their body moves, show how all of them probably got an restraining order." namjoon sighed, looking down at his feet. 

"true that," jungkook added. 

i shrugged my shoulders again and squished myself between miracle and taehyung. 

"ouch," taehyung commented. 

"shut up." i responded. 

taehyung slipped his hand from his side to my back side, bringing it up slowly. 

fuck you think you're touching mate?

i tried to scoot over, but taehyung enclosed my shoulder with his hand, i could not move anymore without struggling. he then slightly bent down and laid his head on my shoulder, smiling deeply. 

"hey, do you know who the atari gang is?" taehyung sighed. 

"no, i dont really like gangs," i answered, frowning a bit at this topic that he wanted to bring up. 

"oh really-," taehyung chuckled, "do not worry they are not bad people, some of my friends are in that gang." 

"really? did you once used to be in that gang?" i asked, shuffling a bit because taehyung's head was weighing down my head, since it was heavier than mines.

"no, i just knew them well."

i shook my head, understanding what he was saying the slightest bit, 

"i mean, breathing this air makes you feel good right mia? this air is heavily polluted, have you ever been to an island where their is barely any people let alone factories, so the air is cleaner, real air." taehyung rambled to me. 

"i do not travel." i answered simply. 

"would you like to travel?" 

i gasped, "of course! it has been my dream to travel." 

"how would you like to finally feel paradise?"  taehyung murmured in my ear, finally taking his head off of mine. 

"you are acting like we can ever get out this shit hole." i cursed at him. 

taehyung did not respond back, but he just smiled. 


"you will see mia, you'll see." 

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