Chapter 2

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Gia Marano⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️

Emily's Point of View

Gia and I got to the classroom 4 minutes before the bell. We chose our seats all the way in the back. First come first serve. That's what Mr. Bing said. I took out my macbook and looked through my emails. Make sure there wasn't anything important. I kept looking until I saw an email that had a name on it and it was talking about music.

Dear Emily De Los Santos,

Hello Ms. De Los Santos, I am sorry to inform you that Mr. Roden has denied your request. I am so sorry. I hope everything works out for your career.

Mary Wells

-Assisstant of Chase Roden

I kept reading it over and over again.

I am sorry to inform you that Mr. Roden has denied your request.

Mr. Roden has denied your request.

I kept reading those words and my heart shattered into a million pieces. Like knives were coming at me everywhere.

"Em, are you okay?" Gia said.

"Yea, I just need to go to the bathroom," I said getting my things and walking out. I went down the hall and turned right. I didn't know where else to go but here. The music room. I opened the door.

"Oh hello Emily. Your not in this class. Your my last period," Mr. James said.

"I know and I'm sorry but your the only teacher I could talk to," I said sitting down in a desk and crying in my hands.

"Well it's good that you came right now. I don't have a class for a first period. I'll tell Mr.Bing that your with me," he said going into his desk and writing something down. He walks outside and saw a student walking.

"Tim, could you take this to Mr. Bing's classroom? It is important," he said giving it to the boy named Tim.

"Okay, Emily. Tell me what's wrong," Mr. James said sitting on the desk infornt of me.

I looked up and talked about the email. Mr. James and I are pretty close. He is my mentor for becoming who I want to be. He has helped me with music. How to get to the high and low notes. How to read and write music. How to be one with the rythm. Mr. James has inspired me for wanting to be a songwriter artist.

"Emily, it's going to be okay. You are so talented. He is missing out on you and your talent. Your going to be a star. I just know it," he said holding my hands.

"Really," I said.

"Girl, of course I am," he said snapping his fingers. Did you know my music teacher was gay? Well he wasn't those hig voice ones. He was very masculine and into boy stuff you could say.

"Cheer up, Em. There are other producers out there that will love your music and your lovely voice," he said smiling.

"Thanks Mr. James," giving him a small smile back.

"Now, off to class. I'll see you in 7th period," he said scooting his hands at me so I could leave. I giggled and said goodbye.


Lunch. My favorite time of the school day to be. It was the one time that I get to just relax and have a good talk with my friends. I walk into the cafeteria. I don't eat the food here because it looks disguising and I think my food moved that one time I ordering something here. I make my own lunch. I would probably make a salad or a sandwich. Something that doesn't look unhealth. You think by eating all this healthy food I would be skinny, right? Wrong. I don't know what it is, I work out. I eatless then I used too and I'm not the size I want to be. Sometimes I would have cheat days but thats it. I'm a mess.

I was waiting for my friends until I heard a squeaky voice coming towards my way.

"Hey Chubby Emmlie, don't you wish you had a donut," Gigi said.

Meet Gigi Clemintine. Beautiful blond goddess. Head Cheerleader. Popular. (Not that smart in my perspective). And a real bitch. We used to be best friends but then I started getting attention and she got jealous. When she got jealous, we stopped talking and now she is just mean to me. All the things she says makes me want to cry. She started bullying me so that people will look at me in a disguising way. Sometimes they call me names and I fell like I'm not wanted.

"Oh come on. I have cookies for you," she said hanging the bag in my face. Suddenly, the cafeteria became quiet. I felt so embarrassed. I want to hide in a hole and just stay there.

"Gigi, go find someone else to make fun of," I heard a masculine voice behind me. I looked up and see Calum.

Also meet Calum Hood. All star soccer player. Good grades. Freaking Hot. He is also a bad boy. He drinks and smokes. But I heard that he sold drugs but because his parents were so rich and paid the school off to tell the students it was a lie. But I don't know, it was a "rumor".

"Why should I? She deserves it. She's ugly and she is fat. No one should see her in public," she snapped.

"No she doesn't. Now stop being a bitch and leave," he said hovering over her. She glared at me and walked away. Then Calum turns around to see me.

"Are you okay?" he said with concern. I nodded.

"Don't mind her. She's just a low life that gets what she wants," he said laughing to himself. I nodded in response.

"Are you sure you are okay?" he said putting his hand on mine. My eyes grew wide. My cheeks were probably turning into different shades of red. I looked up at him and faked a smile.

"Yea. I'm fine."

To be honest, I'm not fine. Gigi's words were like needles to my spine. She's right. I'm ugly and I'm fat. No one would love a person named Chubby Ellie. I know words are just words. But those words hurt. They were like punching me in the stomach reminding me of my insecurities. My throat hurt because I was keeping back from crying.

"Okay," he smiled back and walked away.

"Emily! Oh my gosh Em are you okay," Gia said hugging me tightly.

"That bitch. The next time I see her again, I swear to God I will punch her," I giggled.

"Em, you know the stuff she said wasn't true. You are gorgeous and not fat at all. You are so sweet, you are like the sweetest chocolate in the world. She is just jealous that she is a tooth pick and you are a sexy curvy hot mama over here. Girl you are smokin," Ethan said touching my leg and making a sizzling sound to make his point.

I was laughing so hard I felt tears in my eyes.

"Thanks guys. You always put a smile to my face," I said smiling.

"Well of course. That's what best friends do," Gia said in a duh tone.

"Anyways, Calum Hood is having another party this year. It's this Saturday," Gia said looking at me.

"I'm not going," I said eat my salad.

"Yes you are. Me and Ethan are going," she said. I still said no.

"Come on Em. Take a risk. You need to get out more. It's unhealthy to be in a house all day," she said whining. She's right and I did tell myself I need to take risks. It's just I don't like parties because there's drinking smoking and sex during them.

"No, I'll sit this one out." I said taking a sip of my water.

"WHAT WHY?!" They both said in unsion.

"First shimmer down, alright... deep breathes.... Second after the incident with Gigi, I'll be the laughing stock of the school. No thank you it's only the first day of school it's not even the first week of school and people are already laughing. I'm just not going so don't even push it." I said firmly and they agreed feeling bad.

"Well we won't go than we will stay with you." Ethan said,

"No you guys go. I need a day to myself. A lot has been going on." I said getting up from the lunch table and leaving the lunch room.

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