Harley's Pov

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I woke up on a bright Tuesday morning, the covers of my bed thrown around from me tossing and turning in the night. I threw off the covers and stepped onto the cold hard floor. I stretched my arms to the ceiling and walked into my bathroom. I took in my appearance in the mirror. My clothes were disheveled and my hair was a mess. I gave a huge yawn as I walked towards the shower. I turned the water on full blast and gave it time to get warmer before I stepped in. I undressed and left my dirty clothes hit the floor. I took my hair out of its bun and shook my long blonde hair out.

I carefully stepped into the shower. I had to be ready for my senior year as a college student. I had a lot of classes that day and I wanted to be prepared. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a lime green towel around my body as I walked back into my bedroom. I went through my closet and picked out a white blouse and some jeans. I dropped the towel and slipped on some underwear and snapped my bra into place. I hurriedly got dressed and dried my hair off with the towel. I walked back into the bathroom and threw the towel over the door to dry.

I stared into the mirror as I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair into a low ponytail. I turned and walked back into my bedroom, heading towards my kitchen. I made myself a bowl of cereal and once I finished I rinsed my bowl and left it in the sink. I grabbed my bag and left for school. I got into my car and drove to the campus, that was right down the road. I parked in the student lot and walked into the psychology building. I sat in my seat a row from the front and took out my notebook. As the professor gave a lecture in complete monotone, I jotted down notes, not wanting to miss a thing.

The bell rang signalling the end of class. I stood up, gathering my materials, before heading out the door. I was the last one to file out of the classroom. As I started to walk to my next class, I ran into someone, and I fell on backwards, on my butt. My books went flying everywhere and I pushed myself until I was on my knees. The man I ran into knelt down in front of me, grabbing some of my books. I reached for my journal that was left sitting on the floor, and he did too. Our hands clashed into each other, and I finally looked up at him. I held in my gasp. It was Bruce Wayne.

I smiled at him as I picked up my journal. He rose to his feet and extended his hand down to me. "Forgive, Miss. I wasn't watching where I was going," he said warmly. I took his hand and he helped me to my feet. I blushed as I looked at our hands and I dropped it to my side. I threw my bag off of my shoulder, stuffing my things back into it. I reached my hand out for the rest and he gingerly laid them in my hand. I zipped up the bag and threw it back over my shoulder.

"It's fine," I told him with a small smile. "Accidents happen all the time." He chuckled and held his hand out to me again.

"I'm Bruce Wayne." I smiled as I took his hand.


"Aphrodite?" I stared at him quizzically. He let out a nervous laugh. "Sorry, thought I'd try being charming. Came off corny obviously. Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of beauty." I nodded my head, and gave a small giggle. He made me so nervous, and the fact that he just called me beautiful made my palms sweat and my knees weak.

"Uh...I'm Harleen. Harleen Quinzel," I said as I pushed my glasses up my nose. Bruce nodded his head, a smile playing on his face. The bell rang again and I dropped my gaze. "I have to go. I'm late for class." I turned and started to walk off. I looked back once, and found that Bruce wasn't even standing there anymore. I sighed heavily and continued walking to my next lecture.

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