Bruce's Pov

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I sat in the Batcave, going through every firewall that it took to get to Harleen's file. Seeing as how her record was sealed it was going to take a lot more work to find it. After about an hour of hacking, I was in. Harleen has a extensive criminal record. Assaulting an officer, robbing a bank, resisting arrest, attemptive murder, and...she was finally caught after a bad run-in with drugs. Harleen was one hardcore woman, and Loeb was right to seal her record after he wiped it.

My earpiece dinged. "Yes, Alfred?" I asked, tiredly. I hadn't even SEEN the pictures that Professor Danielson told me about.

"Sir, a Harleen Quinzel called moments ago," he said. I froze. 'So soon?'

"Did she leave a message?"

"Yes, sir she did. She sounded in distress though, sir. I told her to remain in her apartment. She wanted to know if you were too busy for her to come over." 'What happened, Harleen?'

"Did she leave her address?"

"Yes, sir, she did. She is in building five on Gotham University campus, floor three, room 3Q. Are you going to get Ms. Quinzel." I rose from my chair, heading for the elevator.

"Be prepared to set an extra plate, Alfred. I'm going to get it."

"As you wish, sir." I hung up as I got onto the elevator. I pushed the up button and I was taken back up to Wayne Manor. I walked through my study, grabbing my car keys off of the table as I went. I hurried down the stairs and outside, to my car, still parked in front of the door. I got in and revved the engine. I drove as fast as I could to get to her. After driving for about twenty minutes, I was back at Gotham University. I drove around, looking for building five. I spotted it and parked right in front. I ran inside and up the stairs to floor three. I walked around and spotted apartment 3Q.

I knocked on the door and leaned against the wall. I heard the sounds of locks being undone, and Harleen opened the door. She looked flustered and scared. Her face was red and her eyes were puffy. She had been crying. Her hair was a mess, but none the less, she was still beautiful to me. She sniffled. "Hi," she said quietly, staring at the floor.

"Alfred said that you needed me. Are you alright?" I asked her. She nodded her head, looking ready to cry again.

"I'm fine really. I's just...I don't know what to do anymore," she said as she held her face in her hands, crying again. I stepped forward, opening my arms to her. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her shaking body. "I'm sorry. I just didn't know who else to call." I rubbed her back, trying to coax her.

"It's okay, Harleen. I understand where you're coming from. Do you want to come over? Alfred is making dinner right now, and I'm sure he wouldn't mind setting an extra plate." She pulled away, looking up at me.

"Are you sure?" I nodded my head, smiling.

"I'm sure, Harleen. Go get your coat." She smiled as she hurried back inside. She came back with her purse and coat. She closed the door, and turned her key in the lock. I escorted her out to my car, making sure to open the door for her. She gave me a small smile as she slid into the passenger seat. I got in on the other side as she fastened her seat belt.

"I really appreciate this, Bruce," she said as she stared at her hands. I chuckled.

"Let's just consider this our first date." She laughed.

"Okay. I will." I glanced over at her. She was staring out the window, admiring the scenary. We came to the gates of the Wayne Manor. She stared in awe as they swung open. I drove up, through the circular drive. I parked in front of the house and jumped out, rushing to get her door yet again. She smiled as I took her hand in mine, helping her out of the car. I escorted her to the door and Alfred opened the door for us.

"Evening, sir," he said as he closed the door. He turned to Harleen. "May I take your coat?" She smiled as she handed him her jacket and her purse.

"Thank you, Alfred," she said calmly.

"You're most welcome, madam. Dinner is waiting for you both in the dining room." I held my arm out to her.

"May I?" She blushed as she laced her arm through mine.

"You may." I walked her to the dining room and pulled out her chair in front of a plate of still steaming food. She smiled as I pushed her in. I sat across from her. "You have a lovely home, Bruce." I smiled.

"Thank you, Harleen." She took a bite of her mashed potatoes. Alfred came in with two wine glasses and two bottles of wine.

"Red or white, sir?" I cleared my throat and looked to Harleen.

"Which one would you like?" I gestured towards the wine. She looked from me to the bottles.

"White please." Alfred offered her a warm smile as he uncorked the bottle and poured the wine into our glasses.

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