Bruce's Pov

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I walked into the classroom, still thinking about the mysterious Harleen Quinzel. Her eyes were an icy blue that just captivated me. I saw the teacher standing at the front of the room. "Professor Danielson?" I asked. The lovely professor turned around, her long red hair flying through the air as she did. She offered me a welcoming smile as she approached me.

"Mr. Wayne! What a pleasure it is to see you again!" she exclaimed. She had been my psychology professor last year when I graduated. 'Funny how I've never run into Harleen until now,' I thought to myself. I smiled back at her and offered my hand. She took it and shook it happily. "What have you been up to, Mr.Wayne?" I shook my head.

"Please call me Bruce. It is I who should still be calling you Professor Danielson," I told her politely. She giggled as her cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

"Well then, Bruce, what have you been up to lately?" I chuckled.

"Nothing much really. Just going over plans for galas and benefits as always." She nodded her head. "I think I actually just ran into one of your students earlier." I gestured outside and she nodded her head.

"Could be. What was their name?" She started to shuffle around the papers that laid haphazardly on her desk.

"A Harleen Quinzel?" I stuffed my hands into my pockets, trying to appear calm and casual. She looked up at me, frozen. "Is something wrong?" She shook her head, snapping out of her trance.

"It's nothing,'s just that...well..." She trailed off, leaving me wondering. I stepped towards her.

"What is it, Professor Danielson?" She glanced up at me as she placed the papers into a bin. She clasped her hands together, looking grim.

"Harleen Quinzel...just has a lot of...issues persay...I mean don't get me wrong she is a very sweet girl, very much up your alley, but just so...studious." I chuckled.

"That's good! I like a girl with some brains." It was her turn to laugh. She ran her fingers through her hair.

"That's not it, Bruce. I mean that Harleen is not very open to new people. The fact that she spoke to you at all, is somewhat of a miracle." I started to grow very impatient.

"What do you mean by that? Is she antisocial?" She nodded her head slowly.

"In some ways, yes, but there have been times when she has been very social with other girls her age, but if a young man were to approach them...she normally leaves the conversation and leaves the room completely." I nodded my head, my concern growing.

"What happened to her to cause this?" She shook her head.

"I am not sure exactly. I mean I have gone through her file and a lot of things caught my eye. Some things just point to certain signs to what may be the cause of her behaviour." I grabbed a spare chair and sat before her.

"What might that be?" The professor bit her lip, hesitanting. "Please...I would really like to ask Harleen out on a date, but I don't want to if she is going to say no. It must be done in the right way." She smirked.

"Always the perfectionist," she cleared her throat. "In her file...some things are stated. For example, her father was the victim of a hit and run when she was in her early teens, and around that time she was running around with this guy...who was a terrible influence upon her. She had quite the track record until Commissioner Loeb wiped it clean after she said that she would be more committed to her education. Loeb had her record wiped clean and she was in school on time everyday."

"This guy...did he hurt her?" She nodded her head.

"I would imagine so. There are some examples of the notes that were taken during her sessions that show significant signs of pressure, both criminal and sexual. There were also some photos, but I can't really remember what they looked like at the moment." I tapped my foot, waiting for her to continue, but instead she sighed. "I'm sorry, Bruce, but I'm not suppose to say anything more. You know more about Harleen than any of her peers. No one knows who this guy was or how he came to be a part of her life, but he did, and he ruined her. So, my conclusion is that she must be having night terrors if the abuse was severe, and she has a strong distrust over men. She doesn't blame them for what happened to her, but she knows better than to trust them fully." I nodded my head, my head swimming with thoughts.

"So...where exactly is her file kept?" She shook her head, her eyes wide.

"Bruce, whatever you are thinking, stop. Harleen is a great girl and I am sure she would love to go out with you, but as of right now, she won't. She's too focused on keeping her promise to Loeb, to really even think of being with any guys at this point in time. Besides, Bruce, you are a bachelor! Don't get caught up with a girl like Harleen. She's bad news as far as we know. She could snap at any given moment." I rose from the chair and set it aside.

"Thank you for your time, Professor Danielson," I said as I escorted myself out of the classroom. I walked out of the psychology building and proceeded to my car. I got in and started to drive back to Wayne Manor, but I stopped. I turned around, heading back to the college. I parked in a spot closest to the building, and stepped out. I leaned against the car, my arms crossed over my chest. I checked the watch on my wrist. It was almost noon, meaning that Harleen had to be coming out of her class soon. I heard a loud ding, signalling the end of the class period. I watched as people stampeded from the building.

A few girls looked me up and down, and I stopped one. "Excuse me?" I asked politely. She stopped, her friends only a few feet away. "I was wondering if you might know where I can find a Miss Harleen Quinzel? She's a student." She nodded her head.

"Harleen normally hangs in the library during her lunch hour. She should be there," she said. I nodded my head and started to walk into the building. I followed the signs that led me straight to the library doors. I stood there, looking through the glass, and I spotted her, in her jeans and button-up. Her bun had become unruly since I last saw her. She was tapping a pencil against the desk as she read a thick book. 'No doubt studying.' I took in a deep breath as I debated what I was suppose to do. I could either listen to Professor Danielson and steer clear...or...I could try and see if she would like to go out some time.

'The latter sounds a lot better to me.' I thought as I pushed open the doors and quietly walked in. She didn't lift her head as she scratched her neck with the eraser of her pencil. I slowly made my way towards her and put my hand on the back of the chair. I cleared my throat, catching her attention. She gave a small jump as she turned and saw me looming over her. "Well, Mr. Wayne, I wasn't expecting to see you so soon," she said happily. A low hush came from the woman behind the desk. She glared at us over her glasses. Harleen nodded her head and went back to her book. "So, what brings you here?" Her voice was a low whisper.

I leaned closer to her and whispered, "I was just visiting a former professor of mine and I thought that maybe you could use some company." She looked about ready to drop her pencil and her eyes were as big as saucers. She seemed like she was in a trance. "Harleen, are you alright?" She looked over at me, seeming to have calmed down.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine...just don't have that many people that want to pay me a visit." She looked back down at her book. "I'm really sorry, Mr. Wayne, but I'm really trying to study, and the library really isn't the place where I do my socializing." My feelings were hurt at the way she told me to go away.

"That's fine, I can respect that...I was just wondering if maybe you might...oh...I don't know...want to go get a coffee or something?" She looked up at me, her brow furrowed. "Not right now of course. I just mean sometime...when you are free. Don't have to study or anything like that...I mean school obviously means very much to you, and I would hate to take time away from that. I just thought that it might be a good idea for us to get aquainted with each other." I felt my cheeks grow warm as I realized that I had been rambling.

She shifted in her seat as she turned herself to face me. "And just why should we get aquainted with each other, Mr. Wayne?" I froze, hoping that she wasn't taking my invitation as something more.

"I thought that we could be friends," I said calmly. Her face drooped and she sat back up in her chair. She went back to her book, taking small notes here and there. I stood up, and sighed in defeat. I headed for the door and walked down the corridor, making my way for the exit. I got into my car, the radio playing soft music that I could barely hear. I started to back out of the parking spot, when someone banged on my window. I jumped and looked up into a beautiful set of icy blue eyes.

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