the kiss

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Bensons pov
Then we kissed. His lips were so soft, he tilted his head to the side to deepen the kiss. It was amazing. My head was spinning. He bit my lip and I gasped not expecting it. The kiss easily turned into a make out session. He was so amazing. I didn't the want the kiss to end. All I wanted to do was be with him.

We parted the kiss and started to cuddle on my bed. We were both playing with each other's hair talking about nothing important. All of a sudden he blurts out that he is transgender and I blurt out me too. He looks at me and I look at him. It was silence for a few seconds and the we both bust out into laughter. But being careful not to wake my parents.

I was so hungry so I decided to ask Ryan if he wanted to go get some taco bell and he agreeded. So we snuck out of my window. On our way there we held hands and talked. It was amazing being in his embrace just felt to amazing.

Once we got there we ordered out food and then sat down. We started saying random stuff about our self and asked each other questions about each other. I really like Ryan. Lots.

Ryan's pov

I really like Benson. I hate how his dad treated him . Ugh I want to punch him. But I'm so happy that me and Benson are a thing. Wait are we a thing? I really hope so . He is just so amazing and flawless. I don't see how his dad could be such and ass to him. He is so harmless. And cute.

R: hey Benson?

B: yes

R: I know this is coming out of nowhere but are we a thing?

B: do you wanna be... I really do. But it's up to you. I really like you and I hope you like me but if you don't I totally understand. I am a nobody. I am worthless. I don't mat-

All of a sudden Ryan cut him off with a long meanfull kiss. Once we parted the kiss he looked me in the eyes.

R: you ate NOT worthless, your are a somebody. You are my world. I love you so much. I know we haven't known eachother for long. But I really love you.

B: I love you too. A lot.

Ryan's pov

Once we finished eating and drove home. Benson and I sat on my bed cuddling and watching Netflix. The next thing I know me and Benson are making out. It was full of passion. Benson had his hands up my shirt and then we took our shirts off.

Time skip to the next morning😂

Bensons pov

I woke up and I was wrapped in Ryan's arms. He was warm. I felt safe in his grip. He slowly started to wake up. He looked up at me and smiled. Oh god i love that smile, uggg it makes me go insane.

B: good morning baby

R: mmm morning babe

Ryan's pov

I woke up to that lovely smile looking up at me. Ugg that smile gets me every time. It makes me so crazy yet it keeps me sane..

A/n so this chapter is a little short. Sorry not sorry 😂. I will try to update more I just haven't had any motivation. I will try to update at least once a week. Love you all❤❤

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