Secret Admirer

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Sidon scrunched his face in confusion as he watched Link, the Hero of Hyrule, have trouble spearing down fish. He was in Lurelin Village for approximately two weeks. Link seemed to have taken a liking to this fish-and-gambling centered village but in all honesty, Sidon was getting a tad bit bored here.

"It's fascinating Rupha," Sidon murmured to a little crab friend he has made on his little journey of watching Link, "He has a permanent residence in Hateno Village, a seasonal residence in Terry Town, we have a guest room prepared back in my own home and I'm more than certain that Impa has commissioned a home to be built in Kakariko Village for him... in fact, he has his own room in Hyrule Castle yet he continues to spend his days here. He continues to spend his hard earned rupees here night after night just to sleep. He could've easily gone home to Hateno village or to the castle or Zora Domain but he chooses to be here." The crab swam carelessly in a circle as Sidon sinked deeper into the water. "Do you think he feels unwanted in Hyrule? Do you think he feels like his life has no use now that the Calamity is gone and our once prosperous kingdom is being livelier every day?" The Zora sank down even further, his body now fully submerged in the ocean water. He reached up and gently pulled Rupha down from the surface, holding her close as he began to gracefully swim back to the Zora Domain.

"That must be it," he continued his earlier conversation in his head as he swam, "there's no other explanation. ...Other than he perhaps wants to spend a peacefully life being a fish merchant..." Sidon pouted slightly, a small argument on what to do playing in his head.

The very next day, the kind Lurelian innkeeper woke the hero up gently. It was five in the morning and Link was ready to start the day. He was already planning out which side of Korne Beach he'd try to fish when the innkeeper approached him once more.

She handed him an envelope, it had a heavy wax seal with an elegant letter 'S' on it. The innkeeper offered no other item. As he walked out, Link gingerly tore the letter open. The smell of clean water and honey filled the air around him. It made him feel somewhat at home. In the most beautiful handwriting Link had ever seen was a sentence written.

"Return to Hateno Village for an excellent surprise."

Link raised an eyebrow. This was one weird letter but he's heard weirder things. The hero shrugged and decided not to dwell on it too much, after all what would happen? He gathered his things and changed into his Hylian trousers and Champion's Tunic before making the long journey (on foot) to Hateno village. He really wished he had his horse.

He walked down the worn down path to the nearby village, checking his Sheikah Slate every five minutes even though he already knew every single path by heart. As he walked he considered maybe trying to tame a wild horse in hopes of getting to his desired location faster but he decided against it, it'd be better to slow down a bit and actually look at his surroundings though on this path nothing too interesting caught his attention. 

Finally, after two long and somewhat tedious days of walking he finally reached the village. As he walked up to the main road he noticed the Shrine there, glowing orange and blue. Maybe it would've been a better idea to just use the shrines. Sure would've been faster.

"Link!" Bolson singsonged from a few buildings down the road. He stood tall and waved at the younger male until he was noticed before gracefully jogging over. His signature pink pants seemed much more vibrant in the sun nowadays. "Link! It's been so long since you've visited us! How've you been? Have you heard of Hudson? He and Rhondson are having a child! Isn't that fantastic news?" Link smiled and nodded. "Anyways, I have something for you!" Bolson reached into the front of his shirt and pulled out yet another letter with the same wax 'S'. "I'm also supposed to tell you that an old friend is waiting for you back at the lovely home I had remodeled for you." Link thanked his friend and jogged down the path and across the bridge. His jaw dropped.

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