The Beginning Of THE END (completed)

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Hi guys, this is the FPSP I'm supposed to do for my LA SIA, hope you'll like it! Uploaded this for fun. Tee Hee. It is completed, a short story. My dad said the ending was weird, so if you read the older version, leaves your comments and tell me which other is better! Thanks!  T_T Enjoy! ♥

Future Scene Scenario- The beginning of the end

“Today I’ll bring you the latest, hottest news on Palagrin News Reports.  Now, as you all might have already known, telecommuting has become a very serious problem. As you can see here, this is a picture of a man.” The screen zoomed into a photo with an oversized man dressed in a very expensive-looking suit gorging himself on greasy snacks playing computer games.

“This man here is the famous Mr. Lacigalupi, founder of ‘SpaceCars’. What seemed to be a healthy, athletic person has become into such a state is nonetheless due to Telecommuting. The idea has started decades ago and has advanced so much until anyone can just stay at home all day and productivity will increase much more than working non-stop at the office. What was a perfect idea has turned into a monster. Obesity has largely increased and more people are dying at an alarmingly increasing rate not because of old age, but instead of the amount of oil in their blood. Even now, I’m at home, filming this. Telecommuting has turned into an unstoppable, invincible demon. The government has tried countless ways to stop it, but their feeble attempts were all futile.”

While people stopped in whatever they were doing to stare aghast at the projection, Amy Harrison was busy at work. She sketched designs of something that looked very complicated and after a moment of hesitation, she erased the entire diagram. The table was very messy, with all sorts of weird-looking objects all littered on it. The projection of the news report was blaring in the corner, causing the small darkened room to be illuminated by its light.

“So, if you have anything at all to improve the situation of telecommuting, please call 71786! All suggestions are welcome! If it helps, you will be awarded handsomely! What are you waiting for?”

Amy looked up and managed to catch that sentence. She immediately leapt out of the chair and dashed up the stairs. She immediately reached for the phone, dialing the number.

“I am sorry, but the line is busy. Please try again later.” There was a ‘beep’ and Amy was disconnected. Apparently many people had the same idea as her. Amy gritted her teeth as she tried again, only to be disconnected. After multiple tries, she finally got through.

“Are you calling for the ideas for the Telecommuting?” It was a robot and it sounded bored.

“Yes.” Amy had no idea what was the idea, but it was worth a shot and it was a rare chance to show people like her grandmother and others that looked down on her that she could fulfill her dream.

From small, everyone disapproved and laughed at her dream: To invent something that would change the entire world. Her grandmother hated the idea of it, she prevented Amy from inventing, even to simple things like sketching designs and even threw her notebook that was full of ideas and sketches away.

However, Amy was determined. She invented her little inventions in the basement, where no one could disturb her. No one dared to go into the basement. Her grandmother forbids her to enter the basement. She claimed that the key was lost, that was why no one went in, but in reality, she was not. Amy found the key in a secret compartment under her bed where she herself hid all her things that she used for inventing and her precious notebook.

The Beginning Of THE END (completed)Where stories live. Discover now