We came back home and closed the door as quietly as possible. "Be very quiet!" Tord whisper yells to me. I nod "ARGH!!!" I scream, Something tackled me to the ground. "WHERE WERE YOU?!" A light turns on, it was edd. I look down to see who tackled me, it was Matt. "We just got caught U-" tord was cut off by Matt crying. "DID YOU LEAVE BECAUSE WE WERE FIGHTING?!" Matt sobs. I hug him"why would I do that?" He looks at me and smiles.
~Tords POV~
While Matt and y/n were hugging edd looked up at me with the 'follow me now' face, so I follow him into the kitchen. "You didn't-" I cut him off "NONONO!" I say shaking my head "good" he says with a bit of relief, I walk over to the fridge and grab two bottles of cola, handing one to him. "You know, I am still wondering on what happened." He says looking over to me. "Oh, I went out and got a call from work and I met up with her and we had some ice cream. That's all." I tell him. "Relax mother..." he laughs "I'm sorry I have to be the mother friend!" We head back out into the living room.
~your POV~
I yawn "I'm gonna go to bed." I tell the guys. "Why it's only 8:30?" Edd asks. "I need a job edd, and some new clothes." I say trying to point out how I only pack 2 different outfits. "Ok see you in the morning!" Tord says. I wave goodnight.
-time skip to morning-
Beep beep beep what the heck?! I open my eyes slowly to see matt making alarm clock noises and tom hitting the back of his head, "morning!" Tom says cheerfully. "What- what time is it?" I ask sleepily "it's only 8!" Matt says cheerfully. "We woke you up cuz someone is on the phone asking for you. "Oh." I get up and walk over to the phone. "Hello?" I ask "hi, listen we need you to be at the park in 20min." I can't figure out who's voice that was....but it sounded familiar. "Why?" I ask "no time for questions." They hung up. Great, I should go get dressed then eat. I quickly change into my jogging pants from yesterday and a black sweater. "Morning guys, do we have any cereal?" I ask walking into the kitchen. "Ya." Says edd handing me a bowl of eddsworld cereal. "Really?" Say looking at the bowl and looking back up at him. He nods. I eat the cereal and head out grabbing my Wallet and shoving it into the pocket of my pants. When I get to the park tord is there. "Hello friend!" He says cheerfully, two men were behind him. Aren't they from the ice cream parlour? I look back up "hey..." "I heard you we're looking for job!" He says "ya..." i look at him in confusion. "Well I was wondering if you wanted to work for me! The pay is pretty good $100 per week! It's not much but-" "ARE YOU FOR SERIOUS?! THATS AWESOME PAY! WHEN CAN I SIGN- wait a minute..." I interrupt "would that make me a ..." "a soldier? Yes." He finishes my sentence. "Fine, I'll sign up. But only because of the pay." He smiles "LETS GET YOU INTO UNIFORM!!!" He shouts!
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