He hands me a blue and red uniform. I grab it and we run back home. I, like most girls love to try clothes, especially when their new! I ran into my room and quickly changed into the uniform. When I walked out, tord was waiting for me in The living room. He smirked. "I thought I should get my uniform too." Wow...HE LOOKED FRICKEN EPIC
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We grabbed our stuff and headed out the door. Outside was a FRICKEN helicopter!!! I just stared at it in amazement... yes I've seen this not long ago but this... THIS was somehow on the roof of our house and no one had even noticed it. "You coming?" He asked I nodded and followed him. I don't know how but we made it onto the roof without any accidents!
-time skip to base-
We jumped off the helicopter as it flew off. Wow we walked into the large building and he led me into his office. "Umm so what do I do now?" I asked. He looked up at me" oh! Right, here is you're schedule!" He said cheerfully handing me a slip of paper. He shoved me out of the room and I walked down a long hall, reading the paper given to me.
-paper says-
1pm. Hand to hand combat training w/veronica 3pm. Gun range w/patryck 4pm. Lunch 5pm. Meet me at my office for assignment
If lost ask someone with a green badge in the halls for directions.
I sighed, "at least I know where to go for combat" I walked towards the doors leading to a big open space to see people training and only one person standing around. That's probably veronica... I walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She turned around quickly a bit red on the face... "umm are you ok?" I ask "YES." She replied quickly and loud. She had something behind her back. "What is that?" I say lifting an eyebrow "NOTHING!!" I grab the thing from behind her and she freaks. "AWW C'MON GIVE IT BACK!!" She yells. I look through it. It was a sketch book. She rips it out of my hands before I can open a page, she takes off her backpack and shoves it in. "C'mon let's begin training..." I get into stance and begin to train
HOLY CRAP I AM SOO SORRY!!! I just got caught up and... ya. Anyway, sorry again and once this story is done I might make more in this book!! All with different scenarios... Tell me in the comments if you think I should!