The beginning

51 2 3

No! Please, don't leave me!! Jack! Jack...
I wait up, sweating. Trying to clam myself down a take deep breathes. It was just a dream, just a memory.
I put on some real clothes glancing at the clock. "8:49" I mumble out. Before I open the door matt comes bursting in. "Y/N!! WE HAVE DOUBLE CHOCOLATE PANCAKES!" I jump up and grab him by the shoulder what's currently say how a blah blog probably in a little bit a problem little little blah blah blah blah blue blah I'll do it blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blue Ramen at the Mattia Mattia am and I am a diameter I I'm blue
And drag him outside down stairs.....

OK yeah I'm really sorry I am going to discontinue this book at moment I don't have any ideas cuz nobody's really reading this I am all out of ideas last chapter was kind a really random so mean sorry if you really like this book I might try to make three chapter, no three pages stories just really short ones but I'd not  expect this book to still be around if you've read this anyways just look for other books I will actually keep this book until I update what I'm actually going to do because at this moment you're just that I don't know... I'm open to suggestions for any books.......bye.

(Btw jack was ur brother) pfft

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2017 ⏰

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