You're an Idiot, but I Love You

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Arthur ran to the horse pulling the twins off of her. They remained still and felt cold against him making his growing fears worsen.
"Hey! Are you guys ok? Wake up!" He held them close to his chest and ran to Francis who was struggling with one of the boards.
"Hold them!" He demanded handed the twins over to him tearing the board off. Francis gave him the key to the frozen lock. Arthur used the hilt of his knife to break the ice allowing the key to slide in. He pushed the door open and urged Francis inside by shoving his back.
"Get in!" Francis ran inside tightly holding the twins while Arthur put the mare in the stable with blankets to keep them warm. He hurried back to the front door and pushed it open before slamming it shut. He sighed in relief and turned to the living room where Francis had lit a fire. He was sitting by it with Alfred and Matthew trying to warm themselves.
"What the hell were you thinking? It's zero degrees Celsius out there! You could have killed yourself and the kids! I-ugh!" He stomped over to the living room and sat next to them. The house was silent except for the cackling fire and the blowing winds outside. Matthew stared at the flames while Alfred fiddled with his gloves. Francis held them closer each time he glanced at Arthur fearing he would take them away. Arthur was focused on the fire until he turned to Francis.
"Why did you run? I wanted to talk to you, but you left without explanation. Did I do something?" Francis looked into Arthur's confused and sad eyes. He shook his head placing a hand on the prince's shoulder.
"No, no! It's what I did." Arthur raised a brow then remembered what had happened. A tint of pink came to his cheeks as the finer details flooded into his mind.
"I... I kissed you, and I shouldn't have. We're both men, and it's wrong. Not to mention how illegal, but please don't execute me. I'll leave the country and never return! I just can't be taken away from my kids. They're all I have left." Arthur was silent thinking about what Francis had said. Was Francis so afraid of his emotions that he would risk his life? Arthur glanced at Francis and sighed raising a hand.
"Idiot!" He smacked the blond's shoulder and hit his chest repeatedly. It was at that moment Francis noticed the tears in Arthur's eyes. He lightly touched his shoulder realizing it wasn't in pain like slap across the face.
"You really think I'm going to kill you? I'd rather kill myself! I don't ever want you to leave. I know it's wrong, and I know you're married, but I can't live without you." Francis stared at the prince unsure of what to say. His mouth moved but no words came out. Arthur took that as a rejection, and he sighed heavily. He put a hand to his head regretting ever speaking.
"I'm such a fool. Why did you have to make me love you?!" He covered his mouth looking at Francis in shock. He had expected a laugh, a slap, a 'what the hell?', but was given a hug along with a hit to the back instead.
"You're the idiot! You scared me half to death! Stupid prince!" Francis huffed and clung to Arthur not wanting to let him go. Arthur rolled his eyes and hugged him in return. The two weakly hit each other while calling names.
"Don't call me stupid. I'm smarter than you." Francis chuckled and sat up to look Arthur in the eyes he had fallen in love with. The vibrant emeralds that would put any forest to shame.
"Oh really? You weren't smart enough to know I love you." Arthur felt his face turn a crimson red. He stuttered trying to make up an excuse before pushing Francis away and crossing his arms. The Frenchman laughed at his pouting face and rolled his eyes when a lecture began.
"Y-You flirt with everyone, so how was I supposed to know? You have a wife as well, which makes this entirely your fault and not mine! You should learn how to make your feelings more noticeable, and how to admit them! This is all because of you, and absolutely not me." Francis let his laughter die down before he let out a sigh. He laid down staring at the white ceiling above him. Millions of thoughts raced through him as he reached out to hold Arthur's hand for comfort.
"I don't have a wife. Not anymore." Arthur looked down at Francis and felt the room grow silent once more. He quietly sighed and laid next to him not minding the arm that wrapped around him moments later. Arthur cuddled against Francis, but he wasn't doing it out of affection. He was just cold, and Francis was offering warmth. Definitely not needing the Frenchman's love.
"What happened? If you don't mind me asking." Francis shook his head and ran his free hand through his slightly damp hair. The snow that had covered it melted turning parts a brown color.
"Alfred and Matthieu are very special twins. Matthieu was ready when Alfred needed a few more days. Jeanne was fine giving birth the Matthieu, but she had little time to recover for Alfred. He was born July fourth, three days after Matthieu. She didn't have the strength, so the doctors had to help. 'He wasn't fully developed when Matthieu was born.' The doctors claimed. Once Alfred was born, Jeanne died a few hours later." A tear slipped from his eye followed by another. Francis quickly wiped them away telling himself not to cry in front of the twins or Arthur. He sniffled to calm down before he got out of hand and sobbed.
"It's fine though. She's in a wonderful place now." Arthur looked up at Francis then over to the twins. He felt pity and sympathy for the twins, for he understood what it was like to lose a mother. To wake up each day knowing her voice will never be heard again. Knowing she won't be there to hold you. Knowing she can't scare the nighttime monsters away.
"I'm sorry to hear that. It must have been very hard for you." Francis nodded but gave a very weak smile that almost went unnoticed. He ran his fingers through Arthur's hair intrigued by the scraggly feeling. Francis couldn't describe it, but it was similar to something from ages ago.
"It was. It's the reason we moved here. I'm glad we did though; we got to meet you." Arthur smiled and looked over to the twins who had been watching in secret the whole time. Alfred and Matthew exchanged looks for a second before Alfred raised his hand.
"Does that make Arthur our new mommy?" He innocently asked making Francis laugh and Arthur blush. The prince sat up trying to get rid of the idea of him as their mom. His pride had taken a huge blow from Alfred. Francis would never let it down, since he was going to bring it up each chance he had.
"I am most certainly not a mother! W-Why that's such a ridiculous question! Frog, quit your laughing!" He smacked Francis' stomach making him wince, but his laugher continued. Arthur groaned trying to stop the laughter before his pride was dissolved completely.
"Yes, Alfred! He is your mother!" Alfred cheered and ran over to Arthur jumping into his lap. The prince whined not wanting to admit defeat.
"Yay! We have a whole family again!" Arthur gave up with sigh, and he hugged Alfred while Matthew walked over to join.
"Fine, but don't call me 'mommy' or anything of the likes." They nodded and hugged Arthur tightly while Francis stood up chuckling. He glanced at the clock on the wall realizing how late it had gotten.
"It's late. Let's sleep then head back to the castle tomorrow." He stretched allowing a yawn to escape. Alfred followed the yawn with his own, which was followed by Matthew's. Francis picked up the twins and kissed their heads.
"I'll take the spare room then." Arthur didn't want to impose or test the new limits with Francis and his family. Francis smiled holding his hand out for Arthur to take. The prince nervously looked at it before slowly giving his hand to Francis.
"Come on, Arthur. You're family now, you can lay with us." He smiled standing to his feet. He took Alfred out of Francis's arms and carried him alongside Francis. Arthur mimicked the way Francis softly spoke to Matthew to get him to sleep. They went to the bedroom and laid the children down first. They covered themselves in blankets getting cozy in bed.
"You can borrow my clothes for tonight." Francis handed Arthur a shirt and pants, but Arthur shook his head gently pushing them aside.
"It's fine. Your clothes would be a bit too small for me." Francis raised a brow and set the spare clothes on the vanity. He stood in front of Arthur with crossed arms and a pout.
"You mean too big. I'm taller than you." Arthur laughed and stepped over to Francis. Arthur stood facing Francis wanting to prove his height.
"No, no. I'm clearly taller." Francis uncrossed his arms and stood face-to-face with Arthur.
"You're wrong. I'm taller." The prince pouted and looked over to the twins that watched their bickering. He stood straight next to Francis and smirked feeling confident.
"Kids, who's taller?" The twins took a careful look at the adults. Matthew stood up on the bed to get a close look at the top of their heads. Matthew went back to bed looking at Alfred for answers. Alfred shrugged, and Matthew tapped his fingers.
"You're the same, but Papa's legs are longer." Francis smirked and stuck his tongue out to tease. He lifted his leg to kick Arthur in the knee making him growl. Arthur grabbed the leg causing Francis to nearly lose balanced. He stumbled and shrieked grabbing onto a vanity for support.
"Don't stick your tongue out at me, Frog!" Arthur copied him causing the twins to giggle and jump on the bed. Francis and Arthur glanced at them before ending their argument to laugh. They climbed in bed to tackle the twins hoping they'd loose energy for bed.
"Come here, sweetie! I'm going to tickle you!" Matthew squealed when Francis brought him closer and began tickling him. He kicked his legs trying to crawl away while laughing loudly.
"I'm going to catch you, Alfred!" Arthur wrapped his arms around the blond and ruffled his hair. Alfred shrieked wiggling around to escape. His legs flailed trying to kick himself away from Arthur.
"Dad!" Alfred laughed but covered his mouth seconds later. He looked down at the bed and nervously shifted. The four had their laughers die down to be sure they had heard Alfred properly.
"U-Um... I mean, Prince Arthur." Arthur smiled and hugged Alfred laying back on the bed chuckling. The boy looked up at Arthur with curiosity filled his crystal blue eyes.
"There's no need to apologize. I'm actually quite happy." Alfred smiled but frowned when he saw the tears falling down Arthur's face. He stood up to wipe Arthur's face with his sleeve.
"You're crying." Arthur put a hand to his cheek and felt tears going down it. Arthur wiped them away with a laugh before laying back down.
"Oh, I didn't realize. I never thought being a father would bring me to tears." He chuckled and wiped away the last tear. Francis hugged Arthur and kissed his tear stained cheeks.
"Now you know how I feel." Arthur chuckled and lightly pushed Francis off of him.
"Bloody Frog. Enough with the sentimental feelings." Francis chuckled and laid down to rest. He wrapped his arms around Arthur's neck and pulled him down onto the bed. He kissed his cheek and giggled at Arthur's blush.
"Go to sleep, Brit. I don't want you whining about not getting any rest in the morning." Arthur pouted and pushed Francis' face away from his before he could be smothered with anymore kisses.
"Shut up. You're the one who whines." The twins fell backwards to lay in between them. Arthur got under the covers with them and put his arm around the twins. Francis reached over to the candle and blew out the flame.
"Good night." He put his arm around the twins like Arthur and closed his eyes falling asleep.

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