A Grand Disaster

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It was the day of the feast to bless Arthur's marriage. The day all would celebrate. The day he would celebrate his lover's and children's step closer towards death. Even though it was supposed to be a party, the castle was soundless. Only the occasional whisper or mumble echoed in the silence. The attendants were previously dancing to a piano player's melody, but it had long died. Instead of celebration, it was as if they mourned the marriage like Arthur. The prince sat on his throne with a lifeless stare towards Francis's old room. He half expected Francis to step out wearing a flamboyant suit decorated with colors. The twins would be right beside him wearing small suits and tiny ties. They would have been the life of the party; the only ones capable of bringing joy on the grim day. Arthur thought things couldn't get worse, but Princess Agatha arrived. He snarled as she and the king bowed to the guests. All she had ever done to Arthur was blight any remaining shards of his glass of happiness. She walked to Arthur linking arms with her father.
"King and Prince Kirkland." They greeted in unison. Arthur looked away from them glancing at his room then to the main entrance. Tonight was the night. He would pack his things and flee never looking back.
"King and Princess MacGregor." Arthur's greeting had enough venom in it to kill. His father nudged Arthur to take the princess's hand. He begrudgingly took Agatha's hand bringing it to his face. Arthur refused to kiss her hand properly. He only brought it close to his lips before letting go.
"I'm so glad we can finally enjoy our soon to be wedding." Liar. Arthur glared at Agatha as she spewed lies to sound proper and ready for marriage. Yet King James and King Feargach believed every word. Agatha took her arm away from her father waiting for Arthur to ask her to dance. She nervously glanced at the guests who continued their whispers.
"A-Aren't we going to dance?" She mumbled not wanting anyone outside of their group to hear. Arthur scoffed averting his gaze to the abandoned piano. The pianist was amongst the guests passing time with conversations as everyone waited for the late princess.
"You missed the last song an hour ago." Agatha grew flustered realizing how late they had been to the party. She nervously shifted looking around to find anything for entertainment.
"I'll be right back. I must check something of utmost importancy." Arthur stepped down from his throne making his way through the crowd. The guests had moved aside creating a path leading to the stairway.
"He seems troubled." One woman whispered to another.
"The prince doesn't look happy." A man mumbled to his wife beside him. 
"I bet the princess did something. Stupid girl." Another man murmured to his companions. Arthur made his way upstairs not taking a single glance at anyone. He hurried into his room shutting the door behind him. He kneeled down next to his bed reaching under it. Arthur pulled out satchels packed with everything he would need to run away. He went through the bags one last time to make sure he had what he needed. The echoing of footsteps down the hall made Arthur's heart stop beating. He hid the bags under the bed quickly standing again. There were three knocks at his door before the person stepped in. Arthur had recognized the knock patterns and instantly relaxed. After Arthur visited Francis in the prison, Yao and Leon agreed to help him escape. They couldn't stand and watch the prince be married off while Francis was killed along side the twins.
"Is everything ready?" The man, who turned out to be Leon, asked. Arthur nodded watching Leon shut the door behind himself. The teen reached into his deep pocket pulling out five firecrackers as well as matches.
"You know the plan?" Leon mumbled stepping closer in case anyone else was listening to their conversation. Arthur gave a curt nod taking his bags out once more. He got out a dark, green cloak and threw it on. The garment covered him all the way to his knees, which was enough for Arthur to slip away easily in the crowd. He put his hood on protecting himself even more from curious eyes.
"I count to thirty before leaving my room. The moment I pass the painting by the vase, you'll throw the first firecracker. I'll sprint down the hall while you throw the rest of the crackers. That gives me time to get out and meet your father by the horse." Leon gave a thumbs up before leaving the room. Arthur waited by the door counting to thirty like he had said he would. 25... 26... 27... 28... 29... 30! Arthur wasted no time leaving his room. He glanced down at the attendants searching for the quickest path to the door. Once he found it, he looked back up in Leon's direction. The moment his foot stepped next to the vase and portrait was when everything became a blur. All Arthur could hear was the crackling of fireworks and muffled screams of guests. He burst through the wooden doors along with terrified people. They screamed patting at the imaginary fires on their clothes.
"Run! We're being attacked!" They shouted into the night sky. The prince broke away from the cluster of people unnoticed by any. He took a sharp left dashing towards the stables. As expected, Yao was waiting with a readied horse. Arthur climbed on taking the reins from Yao's hands.
"Go! I'll stall them!" Yao shouted smacking the horse's thigh. Arthur yelled back a thank you before he was too far. The horse ran rapidly as if he knew exactly where Arthur was heading. Arthur clenched his fist smacking the reins to push his horse to the limit. Once the prison was in sight, Arthur yanked the reins back. The horse neighed stopping in front of the missing door. The prince hastily tied him to a post before running inside. He ignored the groans and cries of the prisoners looking for his goal. He reached the last cell throwing the door open without a care. Francis had the twins in his arms joining Arthur the second the door flung off the track. The two raced to the horse hurrying onto his back. Francis took the reins this time while Arthur held the twins.
"Yah!" The Frenchman shouted before the white horse bolted in the beach's direction.

Meanwhile, everyone but King Feargach hadn't seen the prince escape. He cleared his throat from the smoke turning to his daughter and King James.
"Arthur ran off! We have to catch him!" The three ordered servants to get horses ready while they armed themselves. King James was the most furious out of them all. He loaded his guns with bullets, sharpened a dagger, and got out a sword.
"No doubt the witch casted a spell! I'll hang his head on the wall if it's the last thing I do!" They hurried outside to mount the horses. The three set off to find Arthur and kill the evil that led the prince astray. Agatha stared at the pistol she had been given, which laid in her hands glinting in the moonlight. Would she use it? Did she have the stomach to fire a gun? Could she live with the guilt of staring someone in the eyes moments before they're shot? For now, Agatha didn't know, but she would soon. Much sooner than she had ever wished.

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