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                               “I only got one hundred,”

                               “How bout this? You can get a pound for a hunnid…that way you don’t have to come back to me for the rest of the week,”

                               The second day of school, at SARS. I had emptied half the book bag- seems like these fuckin yuppie-assed junkies had been away from Husky’s product for too long- they were runnin up on me like some drug induced zombies, forreal. I let out a sigh, as Brad sat there takin too damn long. I glanced to him, as he stood there rubbin the back of his neck like he was makin fuckin life decisions, or some shit…was it that, damn serious?

                               “Yo, fuck this shit,” I hissed, as I snatched dude’s fuckin money, and walked the fuck off. He ran up behind me in a panic. “Wait wait wait! You didn’t gimme my shit!”

                               “Look fuckin white boy, time is money! I aint got time for you to be battling this shit out in your mind! Now you need to cough up another hunnid, for wastin my fuckin time, besides the hunnid for this shit!” I laid it down.

                               “That’s not right! Raheem never did business like this”-

                               “Mutha fucka, I’m not Raheem!” I snapped on his ass. “Now are we doin business, or are you just wastin my time?!”

                               Brad let out a wimpy gasp, as he knew he had no choice. He opened up his wallet, and forked over another bill…I snatched it, then put the pound of pills in his hand. “You know the riggamuhrow- you get caught wit that shit, you don’t say my fuckin name…where as Raheem didn’t beat yo ass”-

                               “…You’re not Raheem,” Brad reiterated.

                               A smirk grew on my face, as I zipped up the bag. “You catch on fast…and who said, education was wasted, on today’s youth?”

                               I started to walk off, when Brad called my name. I stopped, then looked back to him. “What?”

                               “Why didn’t you enroll in the basketball program? A big tall guy, like you…we really could use a person of your size on our team”-

                               “Just when I thought you were smart, Brad…you had to go and drop some dumb ass shit out of your mouth,” I growled. “What are you sayin, Brad? Since I’m tall and I’m BLACK, I should be playin basketball? You think all tall BLACK DUDES should be playin basketball? Is that all that we good for? Bein some ‘dunk monkeys’ for your entertainment?!”

                               “No, I didn’t mean it like that”-

                               “Well, what DID you mean, Brad?!?”

                               I walked upon, imposing all my 6’4”, 219 pounds in his face. He looked up at me, his body shaking…Brad lowered his head. “Take my money, man…I’m sorry for the misunderstanding,”

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