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Then we all enter into the restaurant.Before we could go further inside....
I Think something exploded....then everyone started to panic....Suddenly,Carolina/Cameron pulled me towards him/her and said "Quick!!We have to get out of here!!!"
Then we reach the outside of the burning restaurants.Everyone is here....except father/Luciano.

I didn't think much more and ran back inside the burning building.Cameron/Carolina can't follow me since after I enter,the entrance was blocked by fallen blocks in fire.I look around and saw father under a big table,luckly he just have some brucies on him.I quickly pushed the table off him,god it was very heavy,I wonder what it is made of....

Then...we heard the sound of ambulance or Fire car.....then I fainted on the spot due to inhailing too much spoke....but father didn't...wait he is a mafia so maybe he was trained to hold his breath for a long time.He should have told me ear--. With that I lost my conscious.

I could hear voices around me.....but I can't make out what they are saying though.When I opened my eyes...I saw Carolina/Cameron...then she/he hugged me and said"Thank god you are alright and thank you for saving my father!!" I give her a look your-father? Then Baba and Ota came around and said"Ohh you are awake thank god or Boss(Eisuke)'s life will be shortened by having too much stress." I asked back "Why would he have stress?"Before they answer me,Eisuke brings a cup and said"Never do that you know how dangerous that is..." I give him a "what?" look before drinking the water.Then he eyed towards my father/Luciano and Carolina/Cameron.Ohhhh he was just pretending to be worried...I even hot my hopes up....

Then Luciano/my ex-father coughs to get our attention and said"May I have some private time with this young lady to thank her personally?" The guys have a not agree-ing looks on their face but they left me and father alone.After the door closed...I broke the siclence by saying

Nat :Do your aim was to burn down that restaurant and commit sucide?

Luc :That wasn't my plan...must be the French mobster's attempt trying to kill me.

Nat :So..why are you to get near Eisuke? Surely you must have a reason.

Luc :Yeah you know the great treasure that our forefather has left for us right?

Nat :You mean the statue of the symbol of Black Wind?

Luc :Yes...that statue.It was stolen a few weeks ago.

Nat :Wow who can pass through The Black Wind's security?And what dose it have to do with the topic we are talking now?

Luc : Well we suspect that the thief was no other than Mitsunari Baba who is known as the morden Lupin.

Nat :Seriously? Him? The morden Lupin who can steal anything in the world and is unstoppable?Please....

Luc :Well sorry to tell you that he is the morden Lupin that you used to respect.Anyway,we also got the information that our statue is an item of the list of object they will sell in the auction inside the Tres Spade Hotel.

Nat :What? There is an auction inside the hotel?How come I never know?(I swiftly lie to him by acting shock)

Luc :Maybe thats because you aren't the real lover of him(Eisuke).You are just being played by him like the rest of the girls.

I yelled back to him"Why are you suspecting our realtionship when you don't even have proff!?!" Then the door opens and everyone ask us.

Mamoru :Hey whats with the yelling kiddo?

Baba :You two got into an argument?

Ota :Did he say something to offend you?

Soryu :Come on don't just stay quiet.

Then Luciano broke off the questions by saying "This is just a normal conversation between us please don't ask any further to any of us." Then everyone becone silence....Nobody ask anymore questions but they have unease looks.

After the fight,I got discharged by the hospital.On the way back,inside Eisuke's limousin,Eisuke suddenly asked"He did say somrthing to you,right?" I just stay silcent . He continue"You know you could tell me...infact I should know since I am the buyer of you." I replied"He just told me to stay away from you." Tgis time he remain silcent.I continue "Don't worry.I didn't tell him anything about the auction." He replied "That's good." Then we remain silcent the whole way back to the hotel.

Twisted In Trouble With The BidderWhere stories live. Discover now