Chapter Twenty Five

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The rest of the day was nice. Dave and Jen took the liberty of going on the bus and cooking a feast for us. Jeremy was running around taking pictures of everyone.

Q opened the storage space of the bus and found some foldable tables and chairs. Murr and Sal dragged out extra chairs from the bus and they all got to work setting them up.

Dave started bringing food from the bus and placing it on the table. They had made mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, a small roast. They made everything and it was the most food I'd seen in ages.

Bailey and Murr sat at the head of the table and we all took our spots around them. We passed dish after dish of food back and forth amongst ourselves until our plates were overflowing.

"I propose a toast. Uh in one second." Q jumped up from his spot at the table and ran to the bus. After a couple seconds he came running down the stairs holding cups and a bottle of champagne. He sat the cups down and popped the cork off of the bottle, shaking it so bubbles got everywhere.

We all laughed at his silliness as he poured everyone a glass of champagne. Once they were poured out he raised his high. "A toast! To friends old and new! We've won some and we've lost some, but we've made it this far. I love you guys." He turned towards Murr and Bailey. "A toast to love. I'm so happy for the two of you and I hope and pray that you are together forever. Alright. Lets do this!" We all cheered as we clinked our glasses together, quickly sipping down the drinks.

Q poured out more and took his seat next to Murr. We all quickly dug into our food, the rumbles from our stomach audible in the quiet field.

"Hey Bailey," I smirked at her. "My tummys makin the rumblies."

"That only hands can satisfy." She finished my sentence, sending us into a fit of giggles.

Everyone stared at us like we had five heads. I just laughed more. "Sorry. It's just a stupid video we used to watch." I spoke through giggles. I cleared my throats and took some deep breaths, calming myself down. Then I looked at Bailey, throwing me into another bout of the giggles.

"Carrrrrrrrrrrl." Bailey said and I laughed even harder. Tears threatened to leave my eyes but I calmed myself down and fanned my face. I couldn't mess up my makeup.

"Okay, Okay, I'm good, I'm sorry." I took deep breaths and picked up my fork and knife, digging into the amazing meal that was placed in front of me.

Before I knew it, everyone's food was gone. We were all leaning back in our chairs, groaning and rubbing our stomachs.

Jen and Dave got up and started clearing the table. Molly and I got up and helped. I was thankful we had used paper plates. Dishes were the worst thing in the world.

I took the plastic wrap and covered all of the leftover food, which wasn't much. Q ran onto the bus and into his room. Within a few minutes he emerged with two giant speakers. "Let's get this party started!" He yelled as he ran by me and off the bus.

I watched him out the window and he set up the speakers. He ran back onto the bus and grabbed a duffle bag and started filling it with bottles he had hidden in the fridge and the back of the freezer.

"How much alcohol do you have, dude?" I stared at him in awe.

He smirked and shrugged. "Every time we stop I grab a little more. Alcohol is my best friend." His face turned serious for a minute before he smiled again. "Plus the bottles are pretty cool."

I nodded as he carried the bottles off of the bus. I watched him like them all up across the table. There was beer, vodka, tequila, wine coolers. You name it and it was probably on the table.

I helped Jen finish cleaning up and we headed out to join the rest of the party. The music was already bumping and everyone had a drink in their hand.

Sal approached me with a cup and I looked inside of it. Phew, only beer. I clinked my cup with his and downed the whole drink.

"I'll go grab you another." He smirked at me and I nodded.

"Alright guys. Time for the bouquet toss!" Murr helped Bailey stand on a chair so she was higher above us.

Molly, Jen, and I all gathered behind Bailey and waited for her to throw the beautiful flowers. She swung her arm back and they went flying. Molly ran foreword and practically dove on the ground after them. She held them high in the air and smirked at Brian, who was staring back with wide eyes. We all clapped and she bowed a few times, laughing with excitement.

"Time for the bride and grooms first dance!" Q hollered and ran over to the speakers. I had told him what song he should play and I was hoping he took my advice.

Bailey stood in front of Murr, waiting for the music to start. She was blushing slightly as the piano began to play.

I gasped with happiness when I realized Q had played the song I asked him to. Amazed by Scotty McCreery.

"Every time our eyes meet this feeling inside me is almost more than I can take. And baby when you touch me I can feel how much you love me and it just blows me away."

Bailey's eyes filled with tears as she wrapped her arms around Murr's shoulders. He placed his hands on her hips and they started slowly moving back and forth. They spun in a circle as the song played.

Sal took my cup and placed it on the table with his. He took my hand and pulled me close to him. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and his hands traveled down my body and towards my waist. I kissed him as we slowly spun in a circle.

Glancing around, I noticed everyone else had started dancing as well. Molly and Q were quite close. Jen and Jeremy were dancing. Joe and Dave were mockingly dancing with each other, giggling like children as they spun in a circle.

I smiled at all of my friends. This had been the perfect day and I was so happy we were able to pull it off.

The song ended and I kissed Sal one last time, before picking my cup up off of the table. I finished it off and decided to go for the stronger stuff. It was time to party.

I downed a shot of vodka before chugging another beer. I was starting to feel pretty nice. Q had changed the music so it was more upbeat and fun and I couldn't help myself.

I made my way to the middle of the group and stared swinging my hips to the music. Everyone joined in and we were all dancing together, laughing and just being silly. It was the perfect night.

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