Chapter 5

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After I had decided to be a good child and not sneak out tonight the wind decided I had to go out for a jog in the woods. Instead of using the stairs I decided that since the wind will do whatever I tell it to do I would try it out. I jumped off the roof; It worked perfectly. I was going to have to do this more often, I thought, since it was way easier than hoping I didn't wake up my parents everytime my foot touched a creaky board on accident.

So I ran in my flannel PJs though the forest in the dark of the night. All I could make out was the next two trees in my line of vision. My body was on high alert, because I didn't want last time to happen again.

I could just barely hear a pair of foot steps running to catch up with me from behind. It had to be a guy, because no girl had that clunky and load of a footstep. I continued to run straight, but without thinking I turned left at the last second and ducked behind a bush.

A guy busted into my sight and stumbled to a stop looking around. Once his back was turned I called on the wind to help me. But like usual the wind didn't help what-so-ever.

So by myself I stood up slowly and ran at him plowing him to the ground. I was able to get in a few a good hits before he knocked me off. Once we were both standing I went in for a kick, but right as my foot should have made contact he grabbed it and flipped me on my back. All at once all the air in my lungs was knocked out of my lungs.

I started to crawl away and ended up going into a coughing fit. "Stupid....," I coughed, " wind." I coughed again, "said it would always help me." I mumbled.

"Did you just say the wind helps you?" The guy who had flipped me over asked.

"No. I said it told me it would, but it seems to have lied," I said. There was no reason to lie and the wind didn't seem to object so it had to be okay.

"Day? Is that you?" He asked excitedly.

"No my name is Casey, Casey Blaze. I've never heard of anyone by the name of Day."

"Have you lived in the white wooden house all of your life?" He questioned quickly.

"Yes," I said slowly and unsure. Who was this weird stalker-ish guy? Why did he know where I lived.

"Then you must be Day." He stated boldly.

"No. I sorry, but you must be mistaken."

"Its me Night, or Luke if you want. It doesn't really matter to me."

"Okkaaayyyy then. I'm sorry I attacked you Luke, but I have to get going if you don't mind." I said as politely as possible.

"Let me help you up." He said reaching his hand out. I took his hand to be nice, though I was still very unsure about him. As he pulled me up the wind blew me right into him.

I awkwardly pushed myself away and commented, "so I guess I'll see you later." I responded not meaning it.

"Okay, will do." He said happily.

I started to walk backwards so I could make sure he didn't follow me. When I was sure he wasn't following me I turned around and hurried home uncertain about about him.

Night? What kind of name as that? Though I had to admit it did suit him well since he was dressed in all black. Even his hair was black. Strange, I thought. I stopped at that thought since I could see the fence to my house now.

I ran towards the fence gate and quietly opened and closed it. Once inside the yard again I closed my eyes and whispered, "please help me now. Help me get to my window please."

Slowly I began to feel a breeze surround me; it picked me up and genitally placed me on the roof. I climbed through my still opened window and fell onto my bed asleep.

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