Olivia's Gonna Be Jealous

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Tori's POV

Electricity is severely stupid.

Okay...maybe not stupid, but I still hate it. I wake up in the storage closet every morning to the electricity coming on and I am rudely greeted by very very bright lights. Not to mention I get really startled so I knock down all the mops and brooms.

Today was not my day. I should've known when I woke up.

The electricity turned on at 6:00 AM, as per usual. Me, being an idiot, fell off of my shelf and knocked over a big bucket of liquid used to mop the floors, so I was drenched and smelled like chemicals. Not to mention my only pair of shoes and my work clothes were sitting right next to it, so they too got drenched.


Feeling extremely angry, annoyed, and tired, I pulled on the soaking wet pair of jeans, "Lou's Diner" shirt, and black Converse. And, lucky me, every time I took a step, my shoes made a slosh sound.

"Screw you universe." I sighed, quickly pulling my wet hair up and walking out of the storage closet, putting my phone in my back pocket. I know, if I'm living in a storage closet, then how can I afford a phone? I can't. Olivia got it for me. It's not that I use it anyway. It's more so just to have, for emergencies I guess. And Olivia knows I don't need a phone, yet her parents still bought one for me.

Maybe she feels bad for me? I don't know. I mean, why else would she still hang around?

I shook my head of the thoughts and walked into the kitchen where Lou was waiting. She was setting up the kitchen. The clanking of the pots and pans made my head ache even more, causing me to groan. Lou turned around, laughing a little and continuing back to work.

"Morning sweetie." Lou, the manager/owner/founder (overachiever much) of Lou's Diner said to me. She's really sweet to me. She's the one who let me stay here secretly after I ran away and...told Child Protective Services I was dead.


"Hey, Lou." I said groggily. I checked my phone and saw that it was already 6:15 AM. Half of the staff were already here. The bell at the front went off. I whirled around to see my best friend, Olivia, walk in.

Olivia's practically my sister. She hasn't left my side through anything, which honestly I don't know how she is my best friend. If I had to be best friends with my ugly self I would cry myself to sleep every night.

"Liv." I sighed out happily, leaving the kitchen to greet her. She walked over to me and gave me a hug.

"Hey, Tori. Okay, what do you need me to do?" Olivia asked. I gave her a puzzled look. "Do you really think I'm going to leave you here to work your butt off? I don't think so. Besides, I don't have to be at school for another hour." She said, grinning.

"I love you so much."

"I know." She said cockily, laughing. I seriously love the girl. She's been with me through everything.

Even before the thing with my dad...

But that, my friends, is a story for another time.

I walked​ into the kitchen and retrieved​ two bottles of cleaning spray and two rags. I handed Olivia one of each and we got to washing.

It's not that bad. Not that bad until I get to a table with chewed up gum underneath it.

Once we completed​ cleaning all of the tables (and I cleaned my hands, thoroughly), I grabbed two water bottles and we slid into a booth.

"So, how are things going, Liv." I asked her, taking a sip of my drink.

"My parents want to move to London." Olivia said it as if it was nothing. I spit out my water.

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