Pancakes & Packing

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Tori's POV


I quickly turned off my alarm clock. 8 AM, perfect.

The boys love to sleep in on Saturdays until at least 10:00, hopefully no one's up.

I quickly brushed my hair and my teeth before I made my way downstairs quietly...and so far all of the bedroom doors were closed, that's a good sign. As I finally got into the kitchen, I didn't see anyone, which was really good.

I went over to the fridge, pulling out an apple and the bag of bread so I could pop two pieces into the toaster. Harry would be pissed if I skipped breakfast, and I'm kinda hungry so why not eat a little more?

I got my phone out while the bread was toasting and decided to text Harry really quick so that when he woke up later he would see it.

Tori: woke up early to eat breakfast and then going back to bed for a little, had a rough night sleeping :P so you guys don't have to like wait to eat with me or anything lol

The plan was easy, wake up early so I don't have to eat an uncomfortably stiff breakfast with Liam and the other boys, and then get out and back up to my room before-

"Oh...I didn't realize you were down here so early." I looked up and saw Liam entering the kitchen. I groaned, turning around and popping my toast out, heading over to the table while Liam walked to the fridge.

"Yeah...I woke up early so I wouldn't have to eat breakfast with everyone." I explained quietly, wishing I had just slept in and not put in the extra effort.


"Kinda defeats the purpose when you're down here too..." I trailed off, referring to the fact that I specifically wanted to avoid seeing Liam.

"Ditto." Liam sighed. I felt my face break into a grin.

"So we both woke up early at the same time because we didn't want to see each other but now we're stuck down here alone?" I laughed a bit. Liam shook his head, grinning.

"Yeah we both screwed ourselves over." He laughed...and then it got weird again. For several minutes on end. Now I wouldn't necessarily consider myself a talkative person, but I hate silence more than anything.

"Have you made the phone call yet?" I blurted out, really wishing I had just kept quiet. Liam sighed, pausing his eating.

"Or just make things as awkward as possible." He mumbled to himself.

Nice going, Tori.

"Hey, if I'm being sent home, I deserve to know all the details." I pointed out. Liam looked up at me, looking extremely annoyed, before looking back down at his plate and continuing his breakfast.

"The boys and I talked last night, there's not gonna be a phone call. You're staying here, okay? You're not leaving." Liam mumbled...and he did not sound happy.

"But that's not what you want." I said quietly, moreso to myself.

"It's not. But turns out when that's not what four-fifths of the band want, that's not exactly your call to make."

"I'll leave Liam, I just...I don't know. I just wish you would tell me why you don't like me." I frowned a bit, looking back down at my plate when he looked up at me with a seemingly angry look.

"That's what you think this is? You think I don't like you?" Liam asked, and then I felt confused. Isn't that what this is?

" don't exactly try to desperately send someone you particularly like away." I pointed out, which only caused Liam to give me a glare.

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