5) Twenty Questions

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Cassidy's pov

I see someone coming up behind me and I sigh knowing that it's Pan.

"What do you want Pan," I ask standing up.

"I want you to tell me about yourself," he replied smugly

"What do you not understand. I said no," I reply sassily

" how about we play a game. Its called Twenty Questions. I ask a question and then you answer. Then you ask a question an-,"

"I know how the game works idiot," I interrupt him

"Okay, jeez. Sorry," he says lot big his hand in surrender.

I get up and walk into the woods. I walk for about five minutes-I think- when I come to a cliff. I sit down and sigh. I look ahead and see the sunset. Its beautiful.

"Beautiful isn't it. It's a nice place to play the game don't you think," I hear Pan and I groan in annoyance

"Can't you leave me alone," I ask him and he shakes his head no smirking.

"Fine. Ugh. We can play ONE game. ONLY ONE," I say and he smiles

"Fine with me. Do you wanna start," he asks sitting next to me, letting his legs fall over the edge and dangle over the the 500 foot drop that leads to a deadly river. Smart.

"Sure. Ummm, how old are you," I ask

"Eighteen," he replies

"You know what I meant,"

" *sigh* two hundred and fifty years, Seventy days, Forty hours, Thirty-eight minuets and sixteen seconds old," he replies smartly.

"Wow," I answer confused.

"Magic. My turn," he answers, " how old are you?"

"Fifteen. My turn. Why are you in Neverland,"

"I umm. *cough* I was unloved. Abandoned,"

"Why are you here,"

" I...*laugh* the exact same as you. My parents abandoned me as an infant. I was adopted and- and this isn't time for a life story,"

"Sure it is. I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours,"

"And how do I know I can trust you,"

"You don't. But I don't know if I can trust you either. And I'm willing to tell you my story- which I've never done before- I've never told anyone my story, not even Felix- so go ahead,"


He smiles and says, "I'll start. If you want that is,"

I nod and he looks down.

Pan's pov

"Well. My mom didn't want me. She gave birth to me and then ran away two days later. My dad hated me for it. Raised me till I was five. Then made me work in the shop. I was a blacksmith at the age of six. Constantly getting burnt by the ashes and fire. I cut my self on the hot tools more than once-Still have the scars. If I did something wrong my dad would hit me.
When I turned eight hitting turned to whipping. With belts at first but then he bought an actual whip from a guard. He would dip it in cold water and beat me with it when I did wrong. Soon it turned to an every day event.
I thought I was going to die before turning ten. And right before I did turn ten -two days before to be exact- my dad sold me like a donkey. He sold me into slavery. I was chained to a wall and beat with a rusty whip twice as much as a slave. My owner was the Dark One.
If I made one mistake I got twenty whips. If I said something about his son or I asked about something I'd get thirty two. If I cried in the night I would get forty nine. And I would get fed a price of bread, a slice of cheese and a cup of water once a day.
I think the most I got in a week was five hundred hits. I cried so much. Wishing for death. Then he got a maid. We became friends. And when I turned twelve we started to date. She was eleven. The Dark One found out, pinned me to a wall by the throat. And killed her with magic right in front of me.
I watch her scream, and cry for help. But I couldn't do anything. I was being choked. Not just by Rumplestilskin, but by tears. The first person that cared about me died because of me.
Rumplestilskin almost killed me that night. I couldn't move for a week and a half. I was fed even less than before.
Then a girl named Bell came to me, she gave me a bean. It took me here. Because of her I'm alive. I never got to thank her. But she saved my life. And now I'm here," I say and watch he sigh.

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