4) Do you ever shut up

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Cassie's pov

I jump out of my tree as the sun start rising. I grab a grape and eat it. I look at my stomach and sigh. I'm still fat.

I sigh and sit down by the fire.

"Hey," I hear and I groan

"Do you have an off button," I ask

"I'm afraid not," he responds

If you haven't guessed who it is talking to me it's Pan. To make sure I'm right I turn around and find him looking at the fire. He sits next to me and leans forward leaning his elbows on his knees. He rests his head in his hands before sighing.

"Soooo...what do you want," I ask him fearfully

"Oh nothing. That is of right now," he answers and I give him a look

"Fine. Tell me about your life," he says sitting up straight and looking at me.

I turn towards the hot flames and answer with a simple, "no."


"Because, I don't trust you,"

"Why not,"

"Why would I,"

"You trust Kyle,"

"He's five. That's different,"

"Have you told him your story,"


"Then tell me. Don't make me beg,"

I laugh and say, "I can't see you begging. I see as a ruthless ruler that would kill before begging."

He looks down before chuckling

"I suppose that's true. But I can't get answers if your dead, trust me. If I asked Kyle he would say it's not his story then walk off. And I've already tried that," he answers sighing

"I'm sorry I'm stubborn," I say but it comes out more as a question

"You might be more stubborn then me. You've been here for ten weeks and three days and you haven't cracked. It's getting annoying. I understand what the boys feel now an-,"

"Do you ever shut up, Pan,"

"Yeah. Just not right now,"

"I need to find your off button. Every one has one," I whisper to him

He laughs "your talking about my pressure point aren't you. You plan to knock me out to make me shut up."

I nod and he whispers, "well aren't you real sweet."

I let out a snort and get up I walk away while he stares at the fire. Thankfully he's given up on me...for now.

~ A week or so later~

It's getting so annoying. Pan won't stop asking me and I'm about to kill him. I've littered thought about ways to kill him.

A knife to the neck or heart would be nice. Or how about I strangle him. Oh yeah he has magic. Well, there goes all my hope of getting quiet.

"Cassy," I hear

"Oh come on," I groan , "leave me alone already. Your starting to creep me out. Felix doesn't even talk yo me as much as you do. Neither does Kyle!"

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