i woke up to the contact of skin...bare skin, calum obviously got hot in the night and took his shirt and jeans off. im a heavy sleeper so its obviously the reason i didnt know when the boys moved me to the middle of the pool one time or when they all decided to join me in bed another!
"cal?" i tried to move out of his grasp, no im trapped in a bear hug.
"calum hood? please wake up" i nudged him with my elbow, no reaction at all. i tried to romove his hands but they were in like some sort've lock.
"CALUM!" I elbowed him harder and heard him groan.
"bud what the hell its to early to play fight" he mumbled in a husky tone as he rested his forehead against my back.
"no cal, you wouldnt let go of me! Ash is going to be here soon...let me get ready" cal raised his arm and i sat up. i poked cal on the forehead and he peeked out of his eyes a bit, he looked so asian at that moment.
"you too, wake up" i smiled and patted his cheek lightly, i wouldnt call it a slap but the pat was kind of like how a young child would pat a pet.
"bud, your annoying...but i wouldnt let anyone else wake me up this way" he smiled while saying this, i got up and walked to mali's room where some of my clothes were kept. i have clothes at all the boys houses but i think i have the most at calums and ashtons since i can keep them in lauren and mali's rooms.
i stole one of mali's bras and found some of my underwear, i decided that today id wear my black high waisted shorts with my white mid-drift shirt. i ran to the bathroom and grabbed a towel on the way, i beat cal into the bathroom and took my shower without the over powering smell of...well dude.
"BUD GET OUT! I NEED A SHOWER TOO!" i heard cal bang on the door, i quickly got out and dressed before brushing my hair onto the side.
"sorry, ill get out now" i spoke while quickly putting on my casual makeup which really was only eyeliner, mascara and foundation.
"geez, you dont even need make-up your pretty enough as it is.." he sighed as i slipped out the door and skipped down stairs into the kitchen where cal's mum was making breakfast.
"good mornin'" i spoke as i sat on the opposite side of the counter.
"morning lotus, you know...ive never seen cal so early in the morning when your not here" she smiled while serving me some toast with nutella spread on it. i mumbled a thanks as i stuck the toast in my mouth while tying up my shoes.
"Mornin' mum" cal walked into the kitchen and kissed his mums cheek before he took a slice of toast with vegemite on it, he came and sat neck to me with his black skinny jeans on and lukes rabid dog shirt...it looks cool but its rather weird.
"so bu-" cal was interupted with the constant ring of the door bell.
"bye!" we both yelled to his mum since his dad was at work. we ran to the door picking up our bags and opening the door to ashton smiling like an idiot.
"lets roll" he spoke holding up his little rock out hand gestures. we all got into the car, i once again had to go into the middle. today was rather weird how yesterday just vanished like i nearly didnt die...
"Bud, what are you doing on saturday?" Micheal asked from next to me, i looked over to him and shrugged.
"dunnno, why?" he smiled and looked out the window.
"come over to my house, i got a new game...its multiplayer" he mumbled and i nodded.
"okay" i looked down at my phone and saw no missed calls from my parents...maybe they wouldnt notice if i had been hit by a car yesterday? who knows.