Name: "I'm Lola!"
Gender: "I'm obviously a female!"
Age: "I'm fourteen, but I'll be fifteen soon."
Species: "I'm human."
Powers: "None, unless killing my entire family is a power."
Sexuality: "I'll go for anyone." *wink*
Looks: "I'm right here, silly!" *motions to self*
Personality: "I'm super flirtatious. I guess I'm funny and kind of a romantic? I can get whoever I want, basically. I act oblivious but really I'm super smart. I'm almost never upset either, so I hope you like happy people! Oh, and I'm insane, or at least that's what they say." *giggles*
Clothes: (Looks)
Likes: "I love puzzles! Flirting is fun too, but not as much fun as puzzles!"
Dislikes: "I hate being in this stupid insane asylum. I also hate shock therapy. Getting your brain fried is so not fun."
Hobbies: "I do puzzles and read most of the time. I also play board games by myself since I'm almost always alone."
Skills: "I can kill my entire family with a few knives and a gun. Believe me, I've done it already!"
Family: "I killed my entire family, so there's that!" *
Pets: "They don't allow us to have pets here."
Medical condition(s): "I'm mentally insane according to the people that sent me here."
Allergies: "I'm not allergic to anything."
Role/occupation: "I'm a mental patient at an insane asylum."
(Starts on January 20th, 1942)Scenario 1: You are a teen that was recently charged with multiple murders that you did commit.
Scenario 1: You are taken to an insane asylum. They throw you into a room with a random girl. This is where you'll be living for the rest of your life. The girl walks over to you. "Hi, I'm Lola." She introduces herself. What do you do?