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A few seconds of silence had to pass before I realized what I had just blurted. Out of pure shock, I smacked Hak away from me, abruptly standing up.

"I'll be going now," I rushed out of the garden and into the palace before he could follow me. "Oh, yeah. That was a real queen move Y/N," I muttered, slapping my palm over my head.

"What was? Are you okay Y/N?" I looked up to see Yona standing before me, her red hair ablaze down her shoulders.

"Nothing for you to worry over," I bowed my head down as she smiled brightly at me.

"If you say so! Oh? Are you friends with Soo-Won? I heard you came with him here," she cocked her head to the side as I raised my head.

"Yes," I answered, not bothering to explain things to her.

She'll find out soon enough.

Plus I'm sure she's in love with Hak so there won't be emotional scarring for the rest of her life. I sighed in relief as Yona started to drag me inside to her room.

"Well if you're his friend, then you're mine as well. Plus your dress looks really expensive, almost as if you are a princess of a kingdom just like me," she laughed as I froze.

A princess?

When was the last time I had been known as a princess?

I couldn't remember.

Had it really been that long?

It was as though the princess I was died when the queen I am was born.

I averted my gaze to around her room to distract myself before my thought got carried away into something troublesome. She sure was a lavish princess, I smiled upon seeing the accessories laid over her table.

Her freedom wouldn't last long.

"I just hate my hair!" She cried, tugging at the fiery strands. "It's so annoying and won't stay still anywhere!"

"Princess, you have unique quality hair. No need to degrade yourself over such an issue. I'm sure Hak has no problems with your hair," I winched as I realized the words that slipped out from my mouth.

"Hak? Why would I care about him?" She looked genuinely puzzled at my sudden bringing up of his name which only made me confused.


"Uh, because he's kinda perfect?"

So she's not interested in him?

"I mean, I was hoping that since Soo-Won is here, my hair could be tame, but it's still as wild as ever!" She shrieked as she threw a brush down.

Don't tell me.

"Princess, the wild does not always need taming," I responded as I fit pieces together.

She couldn't be.

"Yeah, but Soo-Won is here and I want today to be the day I convince my father to accept my offer!" She spoke with her face heating up as the atmosphere around me tensed.

In love with Soo-Won.

"I'm sure he has a valid point for not accepting your offer," I suggested as she turned to look at me in surprise.

This just made things so much more difficult.

I had to find Hak again. He should know about this, right?

"What? I thought that at least someone would acc-"

"Don't give your father a hard time, please princess," I cut her whining off as I spun around and left in search of her bodyguard. "Where the he-"

I halted only to come face to face with Hak who stood boldly before me.

"You!?" I pointed at him as he raised an eyebrow.

"Queen, I do-"

"Come on, I need you!" I pulled him along with me to the back, covering his mouth with my hand.


I just realized that I was dragging this man with me to a dark secluded place alone after I had just told him that I was apparently in love with him and needed him.

Oh, bows and arrows.

Letting go of his torso and removing my hand from my mouth, I crossed my arms as I turned to face him. He stared at me intensely before turning his head and bursting into laughter.

"Hey! This isn't funny!" I spoke, trying to get him to calm down as he settled down.

He pushed his hair back with his hand, a light smirk over the corner of his lips as he looked up at with me dark eyes. He stepped forward, in a way of what I assumed to intimidate me.

He had guts.

I like that.

Smirking, I stood my ground, not moving back an inch as he stepped closer, his chest pressing against mine. With a slight push, he held me up against the wall of the palace, leaning in. My eyebrow twitched in annoyance as I lifted two fingers up to press against his lips, signaling him to be quiet.

I felt the familiar vibrations on the ground beneath my feet as I pulled Hak behind a large statue. A few seconds later, Soo-Won emerged from the other side, looking around, in an attempt to find me.

"That's your fiancé," he pointed as I shushed him. "Shouldn't you be running to his arms with glee?"

"As if," I scoffed. "More like run into his neck to choke him and strangle the life out of his pathe-"

I fell silent as Hak stood beside me, staring at me with no emotions.

"I mean, I love him oh so dearly," I mocked as he grunted beside me.

"Yeah, I can oh so clearly tell," he shot back. "Why are we even hiding from him?"

"Because he's a dangerous person and it's almost time for you to know the truth. It will definitely be harder to work with Princess Yona for sure though because she's in love with the bast-"

"Language, Queen Y/N," Hak teased, cutting me off as his face grew serious. "And what do you mean by all that?"

"Hak," I breathed out as he looked so clueless of the malicious intent his childhood campion had in heart and mind. "The downfall of my kingdom, the death of my only family, the arrangement of having my hand in marriage, they all were Soo-Won's father's doing."

"What?" Hak's eyes widened at what I said, clutching onto me in shock.

"And Soo-Won's doing will be King Il's death. Princess Yona needs to be protected from tonight's tragedy," I told him as his eyes wandered around, his posture going frantic.

Before Hak could speak in response, Princess Yona came out and walked to Soo-Won.

"Soo-Won!" She chirped, running to his side as he faked a smile, turning to her. "Y/N told me that you guys are good friends so I thought that I could inv-"

"Oh? She called us friends?" He cut Princess Yona off with a harsh laugh. "So cruel she is!"

"What do you mean? What else is Y/N to you?" She cocked her head to the side with a small smile of confusion.

"Y/N? Why, she's my fiancée of course! We are engaged and soon to be married, bringing an heir into this world!"

Wellllll and there breaks Yona's heart T-T and the tragic event hasn't even taken place yet~ ooh oh so cruuuuuelllll

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